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Posts posted by unlacedgecko
are you trying to compare a sheepdogs work or a pig dog with that of a lurcher.?fine train it at 4 months but he worked his at 4 months.
BS Never heard so much shite in all my life, If you don’t have time to take your dog out, sell it someone who has. Please don’t breed your kids will be stuck in the house until they are 21.[/size]Injury prone dogs are more to do with genetics, badly bred curs, and bad luck. You haven’t seen many farm dogs grow up have you? [/size]Dogs heart and lungs are not developed until 18months to 2years. Over exertion can not only cause physical but also mental damage. Pups should do no more than play run. Being pushed to over exert is bad for them. Biggest cause of defeat in a dog is lack of wind.no matter what the quarry. A dog is not capable of being fully fitness trained until it has finished growing inside its body aswell as out.
You can ruin a good un. It happens all the time.
A working sheep dog will do more miles in a week than any dog on here (unless you work dogs for a living like Ken). They get started training at 3-4 months, with hard training coming 6-8 months. Funny how the countryside isn't full of f****d and crippled sheep dogs isn't it?
I've seen on many Ozzie sites the lads start working their pigs dogs at 4-6 months. Even seen some out at 3 months. I'd reckon that a feral pig is more of a challenge than a couple of summer rabbits. Them pig dogs seem to work well to 10 and beyond.
I don't think he still posts here, but UphillDoc and Dan Edwards all started their dogs young. Again, plains coyotes will be rougher on a dog than some half grown rabbits.
Are all of these people doing it wrong?!
A pig dog is just a heavy lurcher.
A fair proportion of a sheepdog's work consists of sharp sprints. They can be called upon to catch sheep and pull them over in certain situations. They can take some heavy hits from tups and maternal ewes as well. And a fair few will kill foxes. Not all that different I would say, especially when compared to a ferreting dog.
An infesting perspective.
Many a rock holding spot around here is known by the time it took to rescue a terrier or the time it took a terrier to emerge from the stone,3 day hold,7 day hold,10 day hold and 10 day hold was not uncommon,especially around the Grippon before it was mucked over.It was commonplace to enter a mutt around here and spend more days than hours awaiting,honest terriers,honest days and a small inclination of what earlier terrierfolk took as standard.I wish i could own or breed the standard of terrier that was once the norm,i possibly have a better footing than the majority,id cull most of mine to own a second rate mutt of yesteryear.
Bet that made you cry!
Ive argued more about a terrier with and without a collar on than any other subject,apart from working Bedlingtons.Ill guarantee you will have entered terriers in certain rock piles that a collar would have been useless in,plus they certainly snag terriers at times and rescue others at other times.The olde lads worked well enough without them,im not as confident or educated enough to share their company,yet the olde lads worked rock terriers far better than any of us,without the aid of a collar and box.I once removed about 3 tonne of stone,on a mark, then worked to the sound of the terrier another 2 tonne to the left.
i would still always use a collar, i would rather have a irregular reading than not have one at all. just my views tho
I don,t like a collar on a terrier in rocks,many a terrier self entering with a collar on,mk.1,s and Bellmans ive encountered irregular readings.
rock and earth don't effect the signal but metal can.How does the box and collar work fair out in rock, surly solid rock hampers signal?
Your a 6 hour drive from me. I'd gladly do it one day to see these Bedlingtons of yours work. I love Bedlington blood in my lurchers, but I've never seen a Bedlington blooded terrier work. I grew up about 20 miles from Bedlington as well.
Ive argued more about a terrier with and without a collar on than any other subject,apart from working Bedlingtons.Ill guarantee you will have entered terriers in certain rock piles that a collar would have been useless in,plus they certainly snag terriers at times and rescue others at other times.The olde lads worked well enough without them,im not as confident or educated enough to share their company,yet the olde lads worked rock terriers far better than any of us,without the aid of a collar and box.I once removed about 3 tonne of stone,on a mark, then worked to the sound of the terrier another 2 tonne to the left.
i would still always use a collar, i would rather have a irregular reading than not have one at all. just my views tho
I don,t like a collar on a terrier in rocks,many a terrier self entering with a collar on,mk.1,s and Bellmans ive encountered irregular readings.
rock and earth don't effect the signal but metal can.How does the box and collar work fair out in rock, surly solid rock hampers signal?
Bet that made you cry!
BS Never heard so much shite in all my life, If you don’t have time to take your dog out, sell it someone who has. Please don’t breed your kids will be stuck in the house until they are 21.[/size]Dogs heart and lungs are not developed until 18months to 2years. Over exertion can not only cause physical but also mental damage. Pups should do no more than play run. Being pushed to over exert is bad for them. Biggest cause of defeat in a dog is lack of wind.no matter what the quarry. A dog is not capable of being fully fitness trained until it has finished growing inside its body aswell as out.
You can ruin a good un. It happens all the time.
Injury prone dogs are more to do with genetics, badly bred curs, and bad luck. You haven’t seen many farm dogs grow up have you? [/size]
A working sheep dog will do more miles in a week than any dog on here (unless you work dogs for a living like Ken). They get started training at 3-4 months, with hard training coming 6-8 months. Funny how the countryside isn't full of f****d and crippled sheep dogs isn't it?
I've seen on many Ozzie sites the lads start working their pigs dogs at 4-6 months. Even seen some out at 3 months. I'd reckon that a feral pig is more of a challenge than a couple of summer rabbits. Them pig dogs seem to work well to 10 and beyond.
I don't think he still posts here, but UphillDoc and Dan Edwards all started their dogs young. Again, plains coyotes will be rougher on a dog than some half grown rabbits.
Are all of these people doing it wrong?!
Then on the other hand you start it 4 month ... It yapps like feck ...get rid of it and it could of been a half decent dog started later on in life....
Who wants half decent?
Very interesting thread. I've always been interested in the Bulldogs
I'd never own one though - too big of a risk; both in my line of work and with children in my home
What's your line of work?
I wonder if BLM will be getting involved in the above? Funny how they don't seem bothered that the leading cause of young black men is other young black men...
them sheep bite hard, I hear their nicknames wooly gators
so what work does the Irish terrier do for work? A border collie? But they both make handy crossesI think it's you 2 that can't read as a few lads have said it as have I! Now Read this... The working stock used in the english bull terrier was limited, the EBT apart from the odd 1 is not a working dog, there are many better breeds to use for a cross and any decent cross over the years was carried along by the other blood in the dog!
Border collies work sheep and cattle.
They don't bite, but they can but hard. People have been killed by both sheep and cattle.
so what work does the Irish terrier do for work? A border collie? But they both make handy crossesI think it's you 2 that can't read as a few lads have said it as have I! Now Read this... The working stock used in the english bull terrier was limited, the EBT apart from the odd 1 is not a working dog, there are many better breeds to use for a cross and any decent cross over the years was carried along by the other blood in the dog!
Border collies work sheep and cattle.
I had my first dig 8 years ago as a result of a similar topic. I'm very grateful to the gent that took me out and we still hunt together on occasion today.
If you get some land to dig on near you, I'll take a trip up to you and dig with you. Drop me a PM to discuss further.
Do you then buy into whatever the media tell you? ...
Come on BGD.....you surely don't believe that the guy wasn't a terrorist? The wool is being pulled over our eyes, the met police will be under a directive to dumb-down any further terrorist attacks...look who the London mayor is.....it's very convenient to say the guy was mental....thon idiot corbyn on saying dont jump to conclusions.ffs
does he never stop putting his foot innit.
Considering the police are now saying the attack wasn't terror related I'd say Corbyn was right to say we shouldn't jump to conclusions...
In fact I'd say the ones who've put their foot in it are the folk that started banging on about terrorism and Islam before we knew any of the facts
I don't make a habit of buying into conspiracy theories pal.
Do you REALLY think the 100s of officers involved in the investigation would all keep quiet about the real motives being covered up?
Northumbria suppress reporting of a sex attack by Syrian refugee http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3637105/Why-did-police-quiet-sex-attack-Syrian-UK-refugees-Girl-14-assaulted-gang-kept-crime-list-covered-BBC-Newsnight-team.html
I wouldn't trust a copper if he told me the sky was blue...
The rock piles sound great sport. Not sure if I have the stomach for it though...
Sounds like a good hard leggy terrier is required. I can see how a Bedlington X would be good.
I've always wanted to name my bitches after ex girlfriends.
Now then lads, I'm looking for a foot pack to follow in the South Wales/Gloucestershire area.
My local mounted hunt is the VWH. They're very kind and welcoming, but mounted hunting is not really my cup of tea.
I've some experience with hounds, I've whipped in to beagles at some point as well. I can supply some references if required. Thanks in advance.
I'm very envious. I love hounds, whipped in to a beagle pack for a bit 4 years ago. You must have some good recall walking them on foot mind!
I really really wouldn't discuss kennel fights on here. Especially not repeated fights between the same group of animals.
well that true,
well this is my take on it, say 95% joe public would feel frightened , by a 80lb gsd or 60lb collie showing its teeth , on the dogs property . now unless its that 5% nut job = pill head etc who will take the dog on, most dogs wont (have to be tested ) will they . as been said if the dog barks and lets you know its done its jobYou guys are flipping this around..what I was saying was how do you guys know your dog will protect or guard if you never put it to the test? Sorry you dont. So You have a dog that barks or shows teeth and that makes him a guardian or protector? I don't think so..
, i keep a rounders bat ( small pick axe handle) by my bed, if agro i will do the rest my self. my dogs dont guard they lick you to death lol, they are lurchers not guard dogs, if i wanted a guard dog i get a well bred old type alsatian =gsd a 80lb dog of that breeding would stop the above no prob .
You're right about any dog scaring off 95% of people,but think about the degenerates who make up the majority breaking into houses etc
I'd have one in the house to warn me if i had another,and if it had the right qualities to back me up then that's better,but I'd want to know one way or the other!
I wouldn't want a nasty surprise when it pissed itself and f****d off,leaving me in the pitch black,in the middle of my garden,in me dressing gown armed with a rounders bat trying to fight off 2 marauding bagheads
imagine a 120 pound rotty in the corner of the garden,with it's tail between it's legs barking at us as I'm getting my head kicked in
it that 5% who break in who need stopping. suppose then you may as well get a dog from proper working guard dog kennels , that are bred and tested parents . i still say a 80lb gsd from well bred stock, from guarding kennels will be just right . ive said before i knew a bloke who trainned police/ army dogs, and yeh alot dont make it they either to viscous wont loose when they bite, or lack guts if pushed . But he told me get the right one thats brave/loyal and they die for there owner
thats the alsatian i am on about
I've never known an Army dog fail for being too vicious.
There's a dog which works with the SAS that has 6 confirmed kills...
Maybe so but at least they can make their own mistakes instead of whinging that police didn't react. If they choose not to arm themselves when they have the option and they get done over by criminals it is on them. Here in oz if I defended myself against a criminal I realistically could be in more trouble than the criminal would be if they got caught doing me over. I know which option I would prefer.not being anti yank ,but does no one think they are a little bit more gung ho regarding guns?surely their friendly fire/blue on blue incidents back this up ?i know we are not allowed to believe anything on the box ,but seeing a thing about some texan millitia/gun nuts ,boasting how frances atrocities wouldnt happen there ,and then preceded to shoot a4 copies of bin bag heavily laden ,sort of people i wouldnt trust with a spud gun!
Oz is massive. Drive him to nowhere and leave for the feral pigs! Lol
Romantic fecker arnt ya ,lolWhat a waste of good money..lol
Mind I just went to registry office,was in pub within the hour,lol
It's just cos no one would marry the miserable f****r!
Congrats. Hounds a nice touch.
You getting into blood trailing?
Thee are far too many powerful Jews integral to the US establishment for that ever to happen.
You obviously dont understand the middle east when America eventually with draws its blind support Isreal will be in serious problems. America involved in Vietnam and left them, America involved in Afghanistan, Korea,Iraq , Syria the track record doesnt look good for Isreal does it?especially with a clown like, Trump in the offing.
Israel is imo the only country that has the ability to control it's own destiny,moral or even legal rights don't really matter where the existence of a nation is concerned.
its not a Rhetorical statement .
Why not?I believe any country except isreal has a right to control its own destiny.
Iran,Syria and Egypt are possibly in big trouble if the wrong president gets elected in America,for example.
Nothing anyone does will effect Israel.
The same with the U.K., it's why halal slaughter will never be banned in the the UK.
Rock Piles
in Earthdogs & Working Terriers
Can you recommend anyone to get a Bedlington terrier pup for earth work from?