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Posts posted by unlacedgecko
I wouldn't have one for s gift. I'm surprised they haven't been banned by the Human Rights Act as cruel and unusual punishment...
Child asylum seekers arriving here as unaccompanied minors can be used as a reason for the rest of their family to be give visas.
And in other news, it appears Northumbria Police have received the same PR training as Cologne Police.
I look forward to my own quiet part of the U.K. being culturally enriched by the precence of these doctors, engineers and scientists our economy so badly needs.
Everyone says how easy it is to buy a handgun, but is it? I've been some right iffy places in my life and I wouldn't even know where to start. I'm sure you can get one for £100 in some places, but I'd guess it wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd want to be holding when it fired.
They're cheaper than that on the dark web.
Make friends with some of our European members. I've been on several trips to Hungary, and always had a great time!
No more than kids a lot of them. Prepared to give everything for their country.
I've done a battlefield tour of France and the Netherlands. I remember visiting this man's grave.
I shudder to think of the reaction among today's youth should our nation face a similar threat now.
So what size flock do you need to make some sort of living??
There are a lot of variables (what kind of sheep, what you are selling fat lambs or breeding stock, where you are). But, if you are on rented ground (and therefore not propping up your business with subsidies) then 700 at least I would say. And even then it will be rough.
One of my sheep clients has 2500ish ewes. He seems to do quite well out of it.
50p a day per sheep?How many acres is the land you have been offered? Is it well fenced an water supply with it? Is it rough ground or decent grass grazing? All these things will play a part in the price you pay. A rough guide you will be looking to pay around 50p a day per sheep (will be diffrent everywere).
50p cheap then??
You want to expand your flock into Gloucestershire BlackDog? For that price, I will even provide all the shepherding for you as well, although you must pay for drugs etc.
50p a day is £3.50 a week. That's f***ing extortion!
For sheep I'd pay no more than £60/acre per annum, or 75p per head per week.
That's the average around my locality for sheep. Cows are about a tenner more. Horses, well that becomes a monthly rate if you can include a water supply and some kind of shelter. So that's a bowser or IBC and a wagon back then.
Also, the tenant takes responsibility for the walls. This is more serious for housing cattle as they push against the walls or fences.
I think walling averages about £60 per yard but some wallers charge a day's rate.
It is handy if you can do your own but better if the tenant does it.
I still can't believe that renting land is so cheap. Especially when it can be £40K an acre to buy. Madness..
It's because the value of land to buy is totally unrelated to its agricultural production potential, as it can be worth more for house building etc.
That's not true, I run my own company, all my blokes are loyal, and they get just rewards for it, I lent one of them 5k to pay a debt off so he didn't get kicked out his home, -interest free, pay back what he can afford when he can afford, I paid for legal rep in court for another when he was charged with something he was not involved in but present when it happened.
Unless you're the owner, loyalty to any company is a mugs game...Iv worked at the same place for the last 16 years never had any warnings then last year I bought a flapjack from the works canteen and took it to my car on my break on the way to my car across the car park I had a couple of bites like I had done for the past 2 years since the new car park was put there like a lot of the other people that work there any way back to the flapjack the security officer on that day decided to film me eating it across the car park and reported me to HR cut a long story short I ended up getting a final written warning for it and kicked out of the Christmas draw you get entered if you don't have a day off all year also you get £500 lost that as well, it says in the hand book no food to be taken out of the canteen, I couldn't do f**k all about it
Jesus my blood is boiling for you pal. That's how loyalty to a firm is rewarded these days
I paid for one lads driving test and lessons when he turned of age, soon as he passed I gave him a few hundred to top his car fund up, another lad I gave a van for his use when his car was nicked, they all get bonuses at xmas, a good drink on birthdays etc etc, they get a few cold ones in the summer evenings when they get back to the yard, I look after my blokes dos they look after me, it works for all of us. The piss takers get the elbow !
I do think most employers are quick to take the piss out of the staff though, and the op has been shafted on this one.
Fair play to you pal I was always the same with lads working for me. You do get some small family firms where staff really are valued and loyalty rewarded but you have to admit they're the exception rather than the rule.
Agreed, they certainly are the exception, and it's taken me a good few years to build up a loyal team as most people always think the grass is greener the other side, till they try it.
That's great mate. I'm pleased you're a good employer and have found a good set of lads to work for you.
I run my own company, mostly one man band stuff. I tried giving someone I know a leg up, put down £5,500 to train them up and they subbed for me. It was supposed to be a 2 year thing, but they lasted only 6 weeks. There was no communication or pre-warning, they just didn't show for work one day.
I was left seriously out of pocket, and very embarrassed in front of one of my most important customer. Fortunate I rcovered my money, but it took a few sleepless nights and a lot of tooing and froing. It was the threat of legal action that eventually worked.
I hope you have a witnessed written agreement re your loan.
Same method worked for me and every other ex smoker I know.
My wife smoked for 15 years. She gave up the day she found out she was pregnant, and never touched one since.
Came to the conclusion recently that I'm no longer going to get stressed out about not earning enough money, as long as I've got enough to cover my needs I couldn't give a shit. My time is far more important than money, we're only here once and it's a very short time in the grand scheme of things.
..Having said that, I'd put the money to work for me.. I've seen a lot of people use money to make money in the property market, and some of them ain't the brightest of people to start with. They've just come by a decent chunk of cash from one place or another and put it to work.
Property is a good way to make money. But it's easy to lose money doing it as well. And it's getting harder to make money from it as the chancellor hikes stamp duty for second homes...
we all like to think we would give most our millions away but from what i seen of rich people the more they have the more they need to keep the lifestyle up unless they had it dropped in their lap of course but people who have worked for it would have massive outgoings as well as incomings we can all have these nice charitable ideas when it's not going to happen lol
me i would look after me family and buy me self a brand new car have a couple of big family holidays then maybes get me self one of those big 60 inch tv i always fancied one of those me lol
I really would give it away. There is nothing I want. I don't watch television, Im not a massive fan of foreign holidays. Buying a house this year but it's not a big one and we are lucky at having a massive deposit so tiny mortgage, and I really font want a bigger house. I have a corsa diesel that runs on fresh air and I wouldn't have a bigger car if you gave it me.
There is not one thing I want lol
You're a lucky man, and richer than most.
Check on that law mate as with taking certain wild birds it's the only time in british law you have to prove your own innocence,every other crime(even murder) they have to prove you guilty but just having a wild bird for what ever reason your guilty end ofMore anti propaganda???? As far as I knew it was ok to take wild birds? Except bop
Not the only case. The same is true of the Badgers Act. Down to the accused to prove innocence.
They were nobs who did it, thugs and idiots but also prob just young lads without the nessasary guidance in life. It's a difficult one...it's just the wording of the report 'innocent and defenseless animals' that stops me getting to upset about it. My bacon butty this morning came from an innocent pig
And I bet it was bloody tasty too!
Allways wanted a few folk killed so a hit man for me
I've got a fcuking phone book's worth. Do you reckon they do bulk buy discount?
How much money do you think it would take to get joe blogs to bunk some off?? ...
For me it would really have to be a serious amount of money due to the fact if I was caught if hate to think I'd miss my kids growing up ... But on the flip side if you did get a way with it you should be set up for a while
Like you, I want some serious f***ing cash.
But, I remember a case in London where Turkish gangs were getting black teenagers to do their hits. Apparently, the Turkish provided the gun and promised £200. The lad went and done it, killed some woman on her doorstep with a sawn off 12 gauge.
Allways wanted a few folk killed so a hit man for me
I've got a fcuking phone book's worth. Do you reckon they do bulk buy discount?
Buy that place and work it. On my days off, run pig dogs.
I provided two fox back straps to a lad once. He made it into a Valentine's Day curry for his missus. Apparently it tasted like beef.
I had a terrier that would eat fox. Non of my other dogs would though. I'll have to try them again with it.
205l plastic drum. Put on its side, and cut off one half of the lid at one end. Get another 205l drum. Cut into quarters and use them as porches for the other barrels.
I will post a couple pics latter on today..and foxbolter I'm not a drug dealer and I don't own them for my ego..Lol.I been boxing since I was a kid and like animal that reflects me..just like the patterdales, there tough and they hunt..just like me..if I was a softy I would own poodle..don't you own patterdales? Do you have them to feed your ego? There like owning a small pit..there great with the family and if you don't have a game one you don't have a good one..am I right? What was meant about the kids? Not sure what you meant..if mean the attack kids, then I don't know what kind of APBT you have seen but mine were always good with the kids.I have a son who grew up with them and his friends and him would do what ever they wanted to them and they loved the kids..and Ihad a yard of 20..now I only keep a few so I will always have the blood line I have..I will post a couple clean pics of a few young dogs I have latter tonight when I get off work..thanks everyone
My father in law is pretty f***ing tough, but he has only ever owned poodles, white fluffy poodles...
Good to read that. I worked with a McGintey, a traveller from Wales who drove Saxon APCs in Belfast.
jesus thats harsh lolf***ing IRA supporting c**t, I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire...
That's me Jiggy, I'm well known for my tolerance and understanding.
It's always worth having a good suit handy. You never know when you might need it, weddings, funerals, police interviews, magistrates court etc.Sadly i cant say the same geko
I'm sure there have been studies which prove magistrates court defendants in suits are dealt with less harshly than those in trackies and trainers. Mainly, because most magistrates are snobby twats who like to think they can look down on everyone from their elevated position on the bench.
The speaking thing is just practice.
Its amazing what appearance can do.
Also if what is said is delivered with confidence people listen.
It's the one of the secrets of leadership! Look smart and talk confidently. Unfortunately David Cameron doesn't seem to have learnt any of the others.
proper law control.
thats what we need over here.
You advocating Sharia law?
Yeh that was good,,,
Can you imagine if he somone could do that 500 years ago,,,they would have been burnt at the stake
Or ruled an empire?
Waxed Cotton Legging
in General Talk
A while back there was a fella on here who did waxed cotton leggings (waterproof and thorn proof) by mail order. Made to measure for £20. I got a pair of him and they were the mutts.
Unfortunate I've lost them in a house move. Can someone please PM me his details as I'd love another pair. Cheers.