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Posts posted by Slippery_Weasel

  1. I have To ask as I am a bit of a technophobe, and other than on here or EBay that's my limit really, anyway a mate sent me this what do you think, it's a statement by Bill oddie I have tried to attach it an hope it works,it infuriates me




    I agree with him.... I'm also ashamed the bill oddie is British.



    It wasn't aimed at you pal just at the fool who wrote the tread hes prob a fugly git who mrs shags gingers on the side sorry if one of them but im a sucker for a slag

    oooohh. God I wouldn't like to be you when stealthy comes back.. You may hide.

    Bit too personal that like.



    He was the one been personal making fun of people's appearance or are you to blonde to notice that

    So you then go and do exactly the same thing by referencing her blond hair? Not like it was her that said anything negative about gingers

  3. He's one of your own

    I wouldn't ever class someone who rapes children as one of my own


    Unfortunately you do get wrong ones in all walks of life. What you don't tend to get is the systematic targeting of underage girls by a specific segment of the population that think that because they're non believers they don't have the right not to be raped.


    Seriously mate, don't take my word for it. Get in amongst them and listen to what they say.

    • Like 6
  4. Yeah slippery weasel all ten. Did you read the article. I doubt it since one of the men was called dave law Who clearly isnt a pakistani Muslim. wonder what religion that dirty beast follows

    No I didn't read it. I sort of over heard it on a telly as I was passing. They didn't mention that name but said that they were Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins. What were the othe 9 called?
    • Like 1
  5. I am no fan of our pig fearing brethren but that video as nothing to do with it being in a Muslim country.


    Looks like pest control of stray dogs to me, only problem I have is whatever load they're shooting them with looks to be on the light side. There's a few on there shot at relatively close range that seem to make a lot of noise considering they're being shot from 3-4 metres



    I might be wrong , but apart from (salukis) and don't they regard all dogs as just dirty animals , and I think regard the cow as sacred animal . :yes:

    It's Indians that see the cow as sacred. That's why the pakis call them cow worshippers
    I'd rather live next to a Indian than a Paki plus the Indians hate the fukcers

    I'd live near, employ, be mates with Indians any day... Never met an Indian yet that wasn't decent, hard working etc. the othr lot on the other hand...


    They hate each other, mind you, you'd be hard pushed to find a race, religion that wasn't Islam that Muslims did like

    • Like 3
  7. I might be wrong , but apart from (salukis) and don't they regard all dogs as just dirty animals , and I think regard the cow as sacred animal . :yes:

    It's Indians that see the cow as sacred. That's why the pakis call them cow worshippers

    • Like 1
  8. New immigrants, highest for over 10 years, thanks Cameron, a new report out today 27% of muslims in the uk support terrorism (re charlie hebdo), thats over a MILLION terrorist sympathisers walking the streets of the uk

    27% support it the Charlie hebdo killings... My arse


    All that statistic says to me is that the remaining 63% lied on the survey

    • Like 4
  9. Slippery weasel Labs I've seen are mainly used for picking up on shoots, basically standing waiting until sent to pick up shot birds and looking for pricked birds that have run on and hidden. They work totally different from springers that are a lot more intense and are on the go all day smashing through cover and are constantly on the move. Labs are generally steady and reliable that's why I think they would make good cross for ferreting partners and would have plenty drive and stamina for lamping rabbits.

    Thanks, That's what I thought, most of the ones I've seen have been stood at pegs etc.

    • Like 2




    I'd be happy with a bonus like that. Reading things like this makes me wish I had worked harder at school and gone to university to study International Business and Finance or similar...

    Then you're a greedy f@cker too :yes::D Sadly these bonuses aren't given because they work so hard or are so good at their jobs, even when you're not good at all, you're rewarded...... :bad: It all has to do with keepin the rich getting richer and the poor poorer, and that's something politicians should do something about. I don't mind that somebody who's working a lot of hours getting more than the person on the dole, but this has gone out of order....

    You're damn right. I am a greedy f****r. I'm also selfish, arrogant and narcissistic. I think I would have made an excellent banker...


    Do you know anyone in the finance industry? I don't personally, but some friends of friends work in the City. It is not an ordinary 9-5 job. The people we are reading about with these phenomenal bonuses aren't the interns or the new guys. They are the David Beckhams of the banking world. Working a 100 hour week is normal. The attrition rate is horrendous.

    I know a few of them and have worked alongside and within financial services a fair amount over the years. Many are burnt out after a few years, as are lots in other high powered high stress jobs


    Humans are humans and take what they can out of whatever system they are governed by. Whether this is rounding up time sheets, taking cash for building work. False mileage claims through to MPs claiming for duck ponds etc.


    Our FS industry is probably the only thing we still have left that keeps us hanging onto being a world leader. If keeping some posh bell ends on big bonuses allows this to continue, so be it. They need governed better and maybe limiting in what they are allowed to do, that's all

  11. It does show one thing though, those three weren't brought up to have any loyalty to the UK were they? The moderate muslims keep on about the radicals causing the trouble, and here we have three supposedly moderate muslims with more loyalty to isis , WHY, that's the question ???

    An extremist Muslim wants to cut off your head.

    A moderate Muslim wants an extremist Muslim to cut off you head.


    Make no mistake about it 80% of the moderates will sympathise behind closed doors

    • Like 6


    How are you finding those traps? I got a set of 8 of what looks the same type off the internet and have found the mechanism a tad temperamental. I had a few rats with them but the last on I found in the trap was far from dead when I got to it, trap closed across the back of it's neck partially embedded in the side of it's skull. The ones I've got seemed to lack some ummph

    I have found them brilliant. Only one foul catch in many many catches. Every head catch has been dead. These are genuine kness traps.... :thumbs:
    I'm not sure if mine are genuine or not they probably aren't if you not had problems setting them as half of mine seemed like the mechanism was iffy after the first rat or two
  13. How are you finding those traps? I got a set of 8 of what looks the same type off the internet and have found the mechanism a tad temperamental. I had a few rats with them but the last on I found in the trap was far from dead when I got to it, trap closed across the back of it's neck partially embedded in the side of it's skull. The ones I've got seemed to lack some ummph

  14. I'm a FAC holder around Truro, looking for landowners & farmers who have fox issues (and rabbit). I'm a BASC member and other clearances and accreditations.


    If anyone knows anyone in the TR post code areas then I'd be happy to hear from you.



    Don't let CC's negativity put you off mate!


    I have several permissions that I am happy to let you use. Also would you mind popping round my house and having a go on my wife. I will be away to work from half six tomorrow morning and I'll let her know to expect you. Thanks in advance

    • Like 3
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