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Posts posted by Slippery_Weasel




    Don't know tbh. You can call it a PR exercise.., others would call it nailing his colours to the mast. He's recently spoken out against the atrocity in Peshawar, and even went out there and committed to helping them rebuild the school.

    I have nothing against the lad but if the only time he has come in with a Union Jack then it's not about nailing colours more about crowd management. And the crowd was edgy.


    Did he also speak out about 77 or lee rigby? Or is it just atrocities with Muslim victims he feels strongly about? Genuine question that I don't know the answer to

    Honestly can't say I've been paying that much attention to Khan's patriotism (or perceived lack of) as he's never come across as anything other than a decent British citizen. I know he's a prominent figure from the British muslim community but why should we (who are not even muslims!) expect him to become some sort of spokesman for British muslims. Remember when 7/7 happened Khan was only 17 years old. Add to that he's not very bright. If I was a muslim I'm not sure that I'd want to be represented by him.


    As for what he has said publicly about 7/7since...


    Khan, who is 23 on Tuesday, and who has been in the spotlight since becoming an Olympian aged 17, made his professional debut a week after the London 7/7 bombings, and came out to Land of Hope and Glory, swathed in the Union Flag.

    It had been his idea. Im doing it just to fix things between the Asian communities and English communities. There will always be racial things there and not getting on with each other, and Im trying to break that barrier. I believe in peace.

    Im also British. I went to the Olympics for Britain. I could have chosen to go there for Pakistan. Im a Muslim, but I respect other religions and other cultures. Like my opponent in this fight. Salita is Jewish, and I respect his beliefs.


    Accepted that he was only 17 at the time. Good on him that he did speak out though as many others didn't

    • Like 2
  2. I don't get what actually counts as English to you deluded racial purists? Trace your lineage back to before the Roman invasion?


    How many of you can honestly do that? How many people do you think would be left in the country if we deported anyone with "immigrant blood"? We're a nation of mutts, have been for thousands of years.

    As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to live here, wants to integrate, work, live by law of the land etc etc can call themselves English. Muslim or otherwise.


    I would only deport the 95% that want to start lopping our heads off.

  3. Don't know tbh. You can call it a PR exercise.., others would call it nailing his colours to the mast. He's recently spoken out against the atrocity in Peshawar, and even went out there and committed to helping them rebuild the school.

    I have nothing against the lad but if the only time he has come in with a Union Jack then it's not about nailing colours more about crowd management. And the crowd was edgy.


    Did he also speak out about 77 or lee rigby? Or is it just atrocities with Muslim victims he feels strongly about? Genuine question that I don't know the answer to

    • Like 2




    My issue might be with your interpretation of the term 'English'. If a man..., whether he's white, black, yellow, catholic, sikh, jewish, muslim..., is born in England then his nationlity is English...., and can be described as such.

    You can take the man out off his country but you cant take the country out of the man , even generations down the line they still refer it as the father country.

    As for the Jews they have been hated for more than 2000 years , I wonder why !!

    Can't a man (born here, and maybe to parents both born here) be proud of, or at least not ashamed of his non-English ancestry and still be considered 'English' (defined by nationality and not ethnicity Charlie boy before you go into one)?


    Do you consider Wayne Rooney English? What about Amir Khan.., is he English? Both appear to me to be very proud to be English... and British. Should they be asked to leave England as they're maybe only say third or fourth generation? Genuine question.

    Just out of interest does amir khan always come into the ring with a Union Jack?


    The one time I've noticed it was at a fight at Bolton arena that I was at, it was about 2 weeks after the 7 7 bombings. Struck me as a PR exercise as much as anything at the time there was a fair amount of tension within the crowd

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  5. I have the older non tapered type on mine. Would like to get the nice new lurcher type ones he does now but these dont wear out. The slip leads are also the same, they have dragged, towed and tied all manner of stuff and are still as they were. One of them even spent a few months out in the dales where i lost it one night and found it months later. the collars on my two are 1.5" and 1"



  6. She's advertised as that because that's what she does yet you still won't beleive some of the messages ye get. And apparently she's over priced to so save wasting anymore time can someone remove this thread please and I'll keep the bitch till I find the right home for her.


    Thanks to all the lads with genuine enquires though.

    Nothing over priced about 200 quid for fully trained dog that's had the level of exposure to the amount of bunnies and stuff she has. Anyone moaning about that price isn't the sort of new owner you would want for her anyway.


    Better hang on to her till you can place her with someone decent than to let her end up with a numpty

    • Like 7
  7. Hard frost last night in North Yorkshire, started snowing about half hour ago and is settling nicely, looks fairly set in for a few hours as well

    In fact cancel that, had about an hours snow and it's stopped. What a load of arse!



    Why do we shoot them in the legs in this country and every where else shoots to kill??

    Completely different situation mate. The Unit that dealt with this situation were the French GIGN, one of the worlds premier counter terrorism units and up there with the likes of SAS CRW teams and Seal team 6 etc. None of those level of units f**k about with arrests. I could name a number of examples from the UK?


    The Rigby killing was dealt with by a regular armed police officer. Not the same at all mate. :thumbs:

    And I bet the uk police who shot the lee rigby killers knew they would be fighting to hang onto their careers after.

    • Like 1


    been off work couple months waiting on a shoulder op and although i have plenty time out with the dogs seems its not enough,not quite sure what this effort for lunch presented to me is all about but this aint gonna be easy im thinking.



    some sort of dusty crunchy thing with a bit low fat spread and limp cucumber ffs,anyone else on a forced diet lol

    I hate those dry cardboard cracker things you've got there, I would rather eat cold canned cat food

    Feel for you! Myself I had donner kebab meat and chips for lunch... Now that's living! Lol

    yep I fecking need you lol

    lol I get the same thing from time to time. I find the freezer filled with quorn or something equally in edible.

    Tobasco can make almost anything taste passable though

  10. been off work couple months waiting on a shoulder op and although i have plenty time out with the dogs seems its not enough,not quite sure what this effort for lunch presented to me is all about but this aint gonna be easy im thinking.




    some sort of dusty crunchy thing with a bit low fat spread and limp cucumber ffs,anyone else on a forced diet lol

    I hate those dry cardboard cracker things you've got there, I would rather eat cold canned cat food


    Feel for you! Myself I had donner kebab meat and chips for lunch... Now that's living! Lol

    • Like 1
  11. One thing to mention about whatsapp mind, is that photos sent to you are automatically downloaded onto your phone. Which may cause problems if your phone falls into the wrong hands. Just something to be aware of that you may need to keep clearing photos out to avoid difficult conversations


    Kik messanger doesn't do this mind but you can still text, send pics, vids etc

    • Like 2
  12. First thing i do if i have to go to a party like that is find out what farmers are there,then wait till they have some wine on board.

    Cant think of one that hasn't give me permission yet. :toast:

    Same here, in fact one of my kids is going over to play at a mate of his, who live on a farm. So he has been prompted to mention rabbit / rat control etc.


    The wife on the other hand is a nightmare, means well and try's to get me more permission when opportunities arise but let's her gob run away with itself. And has mentioned things that shouldn't be caught and how accidents often happen etc



    The guy downt pub said the best way to get a good colicky crosses are to find the best one you can then cross it with a bully or salukiki type, then you'll get a good one

    I know a similar wise lad,He reckons when a lad gets hes cur for the first 2 seasons you will here about all the great lamping its doing,By third season things are starting to get quite,You might even hear if someone else was out with him, that the dog wasn't running right and had to go home early.He reckons you wont hear any more lamping tales after that and the cur will suddenly age 2 or 3 years.

    Mind he also says if a lad cannot tell you hes dogs faults you cannot believe the dogs merits.

    Probably just the cider he be drinking?

    Definitely agree about not recognising your own dogs faults/ merits. They all have them to some extent.


    Always baffles me why people seem to care so much about what another man run. People pigeon hole lurcher breeds on here as if every mix is going to be the exact same as every other dog of the same mix, not black and white like that in real life just a load of shades of grey. Take breed out of the equation and just use the most capable dogs for what their purpose is and imo the outcomes would be better

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