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About jagdterriers

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hi there, we have just seen your pictures and videos. As far as we are aware, we are the only people in the uk to have a breeding stock of jagd terriers. Our bloodlines are from Serbia and Hungary. We would be very interested to keep in touch with you, esp as your dogs are predominately bred to hunt fox, which is the only underground quarry that is now allowed to be hunted in the uk using terriers. We would be very interested to know a bit more about your stock. Look forward to hearing from you. Please get back to us by email jagdterriersnorfolk@gmail.com
  2. Hi there, we have just seen your pictures and videos. As far as we are aware, we are the only people in the uk to have a breeding stock of jagd terriers. Our bloodlines are from Serbia and Hungary. We would be very interested to keep in touch with you, esp as your dogs are predominately bred to hunt fox, which is the only underground quarry that is now allowed to be hunted in the uk using terriers. We would be very interested to know a bit more about your stock. Look forward to hearing from you.
  3. Hello my friend. We have seen the pictures of your jagdterrier pup which is one that we bred from our direct imported Serbian/Hungarian working stock. If you wish to know anything about the breed or the parents, we are only too pleased to help, you can either ring us or email 07887520131 or jagdterriersnorfolk@gmail.com Hope the dog is doing well. Regards Richard and Tash, Waterside Kennels, Norfolk.
  4. Hello. Our pups sell for £500 for both dogs and bitches. We have a waiting list as we normally only have one litter a year.
  5. Hello my friend. I spent many years in the boxing ring and i have no scars neither do i have a broken nose or cauliflower ears??? I fought in the middleweight division and retired unbeaten??? Regards Richard. a boxer can move back out of the way when his opponent attacks. If a terrier does this its a cull. Your comparision is a bit silly dont you think. Many thanks for your comment. On the boxing side you are correct! My style was always as a counter puncher. Are you saying that if a terrier backs away then it will be culled by its prey? In my experience, it all depends on the nature, inte
  6. Many thanks for your comment. An average bitch will stand 14 to 14 and a half inches and an average dog will stand 15 to 15 and a half inches. They will still girth with an average size hand but what you have in the jagdterrier is a stronger frame and weight with incredibly strong bite power.
  7. Hello my friend! Going back to my boxing days as a middleweight with intelligence, i could always hold my own when sparing with heavyweights?? Any terrier under 16 inches will go to ground and any terrier that wishes to reach its prey will get there! In my experience, a terrier that only stands 11/12 or even 13 inches, lacks the bulk and power to be able to deal with its prey! I would be very interested to hear your experience with the jagdterrier?? As my experience with this breed is from Eastern block hunting terrier men who have used the jagdterrier underground for many years on both fox an
  8. Hello my friend!! Great sales pitch?? We only have normally 1 litter a year which on average is 6 pups! We do not need to sell the breed as we have a waiting list for our bloodlines!! Regards Richard.
  9. Hello my friend!! Of course the dogs work to ground!! Regards Richard
  10. Hello my friend. I spent many years in the boxing ring and i have no scars neither do i have a broken nose or cauliflower ears??? I fought in the middleweight division and retired unbeaten??? Regards Richard.
  11. hello all - apologies if i do not always answer immediately but have very heavy work commitments and often away ! The dogs i have are all working dogs whether imported or bred by myself. Many thanks for the positive comments - it is good to hear as with any new breed or change there will always be doubters and that is good as without true discussion and debate nothing is ever resolved ! No one can ever guarantee what an 8 week old pup will do as it matures and is eventually put to work as no two pups are ever the same and like us have different temperaments ,drive , hunt ability etc .
  12. Hello fellow terriermen. I came across several letters posted on the forum back in january 2014 with regards to the jagdterrier. I sent a reply yesterday but it does not look as if it has been posted. I have as far as i am aware, i am one of the only breeding kennels of working jagdterriers bred from direct imported and proven Hungarian and Serbian bloodlines. From the posts i read there would appear to be a lot of misunderstanding regarding the breed and their capabilities, therefore if anyone would like to ask me anything please feel free as i am quite happy to pass on the knowledge and ex
  13. Hello fellow terrier people. I have just come across this forum and read through the various comments made regarding the jagdterrier back in January 2014. I am now 57 years old and come from a long family line of game keepers going back to the turn of the century and have kept and worked various hunting dogs since i was 12 years of age, ranging from terriers to running dogs to gun dogs. Having always kept lakelands, patterdales, jack russells, borders and various crosses, i came across the jagdterrier several years ago and was so impressed with the breed i went on to research them over a 2
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