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Everything posted by Richie87

  1. Plenty cloud where Iam at hope it stays as well
  2. Cracking nite for lamping heading out about 10 for a few hours shine any one els going to take advantage of the wind ?
  3. Not to far away from there al keep an eye open hope he gets her back safe and sound mate
  4. Same here but 3.50 is better then 1.50 lol atb mate
  5. You get a lot more then me only get £1.50 per bunny a.t.m might have to put the price up lol. Atb mate
  6. not yet mate still looking not in hurry to get one just waiting for something I like to come up cheers
  7. Sorry to hear mate that's unlucky chin up and RIP duke
  8. Normally got the big glove in the bag but forgot it today it's going after this season when I get my new one because my uncle is packing in to old now he says and Iam geting his big hob ferrit but until then I need him for some of them big sets I do
  9. Good going mate what do you get per rabbit of your butcher if you don't mind me asking ?
  10. Nice pics mate dogs look well atb
  11. its good at his job it just don't like fingers lol bit my pal last year he had to get three stitches lol
  12. got a glove I left it in the jeep as I was waiting for an hour for it to come out a 16ft deep set I took my chance and garbed it bye the tail you tit
  13. That's the horrible big hob that bites evrey one I have got by the tale lol
  14. Spot of ferriting this morning with the gang the kids really In joyed it aswell as the dogs few pics got 32 bunnys in total so not a bad day out
  15. 1994 L reg. e/w p.a.s c/l and it's got loads of history with it. 11700 miles but useing daily
  16. 12 months mot 6 months tax £1000 buys it no offers are May p/x for deisel estate are along the lines of. Newcastle no messers please ring for more info on 07719750550 cheers
  17. What about pointer gray collie grey any one have this cross are seen them work ????
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