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Everything posted by welshnutter

  1. I've got 8-10 week old ferrets for sale. hobs and gills off very good working stock. north wales
  2. has anyone sent off for tickets for tent pitch and entrance? we stay every year but haven't got the tickets throught yet - has anyone received their tickets yet?
  3. it looks like bumble-foot, use pile cream (could be called preparation h) ask in your local chemist. keep the feet clean and keep applying it.
  4. its a mikey brown whippet - born July last year. I got him in January off a bloke who had him from MB. Where's yours from? Do you have any pictures?
  5. Last night / run of the holiday - been a great sporting holiday - thanks steve for the rabbits!
  6. Some more birds that I've been flying on holiday in Scotland
  7. Thought you'd like to see a few photos of the birds.
  8. stafford sound like a good idea - get more people if its farily central. Will be up for it and would help out. Know a few lads that would also be up for it and would help out as well.
  9. Just been out for a quick mooch with my whippet - he's coming on well at 8 mths
  10. Thanks Thurso for inviting me for a shine up North - the drive was worth it as it was a good night. very hard going terrain, but the dogs did well. we had some very good courses - especially with the rabbits running back up the beam. Nice show of acrobatic rabbits! am having a great holiday in scotland - been out everynight (although sometimes for just half an hour) and managing to get a good number of rabbits. Tessa still holding her back leg, but everything seems to be ok - theres no pain when i move it and her toes etc seem fine. I think i've over done it cos i've been ferreti
  11. I keep my whippet and lurcher together outside all the time - and my border is with them in the day as well. They all get on fine. The whippet is 8mth and the lurcher 11 month. They dont fight over their food the only problem with training two dogs is that the older one used to bring the quarry back to hand but if the younger one is on the lead she wont - but i dont see that as much of a problem. I think that the younger one is learning from the older one as well.
  12. black dog = mb whippet, brown bitch = lurcher, molly = border
  13. Just come back in after an hour with Ned - 5 rabbits again - had some really good runs , he's coming on very well. makes life easier when theres lots of game about
  14. hows ned bred mate mikey brown - got him when he was 7 mths old just after xmas
  15. had a nice day in work while i've been on a hunting holiday then?
  16. mother = whippet, dad = collie/whippet/greyhound
  17. Wednesday or Thursday are the only days I can make well if you fancy coming up here wednesday night? ok- will ring you later
  18. went out ferreting with the misses and 4 year old son and the video cam - effing hard work - trying to tell my son to be quiet was a mission impossible and the misses (in charge of the video) was more interested in recording the scenery and the boy - and nearly missed the best rabbit of the day. By the end we'd caught 1/2 a dozen rabbits - but needed a stiff drink when got back. Would put the recording but the sound of the wife and son talking and me moaning distract from the film so theres no point
  19. Wednesday or Thursday are the only days I can make
  20. In scotland - nipped out for 1/2 hour with Ned - went great as you can see
  21. the ariel cap i tried would only hold 1 battery - the lad i bought it off had said it needed 2 batteries
  22. Hi, There are some of these on E-bay. have looked but no caps for the collar
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