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Everything posted by bart308

  1. I prefer good value intead of cheap Geoff lol Priced it for quick sale as I am emigrating and need to empty the cabinet. Cheers and merrry Christmas
  2. Tikka T3 .308 Lite synthetic and blued. 30mm Leupold mounts and bases Predator 8 Moderator 9-13 inch bipod Less than 200 rounds since new Scope not include. PM me if interest and have FAC with slot etc. Cheers
  3. Falconetti semi auto 25inch barrel (open choke) with a 3 inch external choke (3/4 -full judging by pattern). Not a pretty gun granted but great pigeon/ferreting/knockabout gun and never seems fussy about any cartridges 28-32g that I have used. £​ Located near Scunthorpe/Doncaster. Prefer face to face but could RFD at buys cost. PM if interested Bart
  4. Apparently the sea trout are amazing and abundant
  5. Hi, i will shortly be moving to the Falkland Islands having just been offered a job out there. Any of you got any experience of the fishing out there or life in general. Cheers P
  6. The council are covered by data protection act etc so if the information was shared or missused they as an organisation would be in deep expensive poo with central govt.
  7. Cheers, I think the more of us that kick up a stink about this k**b who thinks its ok to ridicule an ex soldiers suicide the better- sicko. Just hope BASC etc have the backbone to follow it through. Seems as well as being a councilor and anti gobsh-te he runs a b&b Ashfield House Luxury BB Reviews - TripAdvisor Your Hosts // Ashfield House Bed Breakfast, Pickering, North Yorkshire There is one to avoid if your vist north yorks! The man that thinks we should all kill ourselves! http://democracy.ryedale.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=122
  8. Hope some of those who have viewed have filled out the complaints form!!
  9. Don't know if anyone has already posted this but just saw it on another forum. Vile comments from an elected member. http://basc.org.uk/b...icide-comments/ Can complian to the council on: http://www.ryedaleforms.co.uk/comments-compliments-complaints/ load more info on here: http://www.thestalkingdirectory.co.uk/showthread.php/96165-BASC-calls-for-resignation-of-North-Yorkshire-councillor-over-suicide-comments/page4
  10. I know thefts have been a problem in some areas but not sure how a picture of your court or hutch could lead to theft! unless you put full address and the times you work on it. Bit paroniod!
  11. Is it doing it all the time? Seen them "playing" doing it through grass, but if it all the time sounds more serious.
  12. Shavings all year round for mine too. cleaner than the others I think especsially when they drag food etc back in. Far more absorbant when ferrets are wet too than the alteratives( though a couple of inches of shavings in the box dries the off before we get home any whay).
  13. Why not relic2? They are on general licence I think
  14. Had one do that last year, just wasted away despite eating, I put it down to old age and in the end he was so weak n wobbly so had to put him out of his misery too. Anyone know if there is a particular wasting disease or is it just old and knackered, gues he was about 6?
  15. Can think of one sort of hole to stick him in if he wont work
  16. Don't think colour makes a difference though its probably easier to find a good black lab than other colours. A lot of FT bred labs will go back to simlar lines with drakeshead and a few other well known kennals/dogs cropping up in the pedigrees of most. Depends what you are looking for.
  17. Good advice from Skinner. Just try and make it a game ensure it remains fun for the dog
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