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Tam O'Void

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Everything posted by Tam O'Void

  1. who the fk was moses .. sounds like a west indian name to me Moses of the Bible ,led the Israelites (JEWS) out of Egypt an Slavery .There is a belief he is the Historical..Akenaten son of the Egyptian king Amenhotep III and father of Tutankhamun (Jesus )..Simple
  2. Faith can be a Funny OL' THING... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iJ4ySMuizU&feature=related but as Craigboys Thread has shown ...It's in Most ..like it or not
  3. I presume it isn't the "belief" that Moses and the priest Phinehas,murdered the" christ (jesus/joshua) in the Tabernacle at the bottom of Mount Sinai thus stealing Aarrons' Right to the Priesthood that I could understand
  4. Tradition Of ST Nicholas ,Real enough ...Kris Kringle etc Kluas ,Santa / SAINT just Interpretation of ancient tales ..Your getting mixed up with the COCA COLA ad campaign that introduced the Bearded cheery guy .. but don't let that get in the way of the real story of sharing and goodwill..
  5. THAT sounds like a "DISCLAIMER" ....will you settle for an ANTI- SEMITE...
  6. Religion I.M.O.. is man Attempt to understand "GOD" and a means to explain him...The Bible is Full of How to get to "Heaven " is there any Mention of what "Heaven " is Many Roads lead to a Destination ,It's Having an OPEN mind .Which one is the best Route ! you would have to Travel them all To have an Idea which one was the BEST ! if any even were ! otherwise You have a LONG wait at the X roads...or don't take the Journey at all and stay put in your indecision
  7. Most Traditions have groundings on Sound Practice,over time theOriginal meanings are either Lost or altered to suit the "Times" .. Like the " Big Gypsy Wedding " communions ....when once it was a " Right of Passage" for youngsters into their community,Basic white shirt Red sash boys and ,White dress for girls a day o be Proud..for some it still is ..,but for others a day to show how Crass we have become ...at my newphews' .I witnessed Football Tops how far has the Religion strayed when that is classed as Faith Scot ...You proudly take in your stride..members calliing you a PROD ! Ora
  8. Christenings are just another exscuse for a piss up or they can determine wether your kid can go to the better catholic schools in the erea i live in as its the only reason two of my grandkids are getting christend next month. It's only an EMPTY gesture if you do NOT believe in its' meaning ! Baptism of the" Son of Elizebeth" school of thought ,I.M.O is a better road ,When you are Aware of a "Godly " presence in your life ,leads you to commit....
  9. Aarron you've just answered the other post ...Red or Blue..or are you more of a" Shiner " If anyones Interested ...go read ,Gotthold Ephraim Lessings , Parrables of the Rings .it's contained in his Poem . Nathan the Wise (1779) Points to the direction of the True "Religion "..
  10. Tam O'Void


    He can shift ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOAVdbvGz4&feature=related
  11. Sad News,condolences to anyone on the Htl that knew him personally...sorry for your loss...
  12. At the least the welsh race is pure unlike you skirt wearing Viking blooded homos .......? The Viking blood is the Isles ,Pure , Do you think ,more in common than you think .the PLAID....has been Bastardized by the Homos Tho !but thats Lab for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoMaetHEfKM Welsh Responsible for JACK DANIELS ,good for you'se ! something Greatly appreciated
  13. There no use when you have to get about on this Terrain ,Someone keen" Soft "in the head is best Spritely = F****D for a few days :laugh: Soft in the head. That description fits me, or I'd find something to do that pays better. Who said ANYTHING about Pay :laugh: for the Fun & the Joy of the Hunt and maybe a wee chance of a Dig !!
  14. Benefit of Livin' here , Cherry Pickin' the bits you like...C&W is a wide Swipe .Shite Alot of it agreed the stuff I like has mostly a Connection to Here ..a Thread running through it .Tradition and a joint History ...Jerry Lee Lewis s' Niece lives in Wishaw.... both Cash & Presley had family in Paisley...Most institutions in the U.S.A. certainly the South were Founded by Scots ...Navy .Fraternaties etc..Marching to Georgia a tune you will be Very familiar with..was a Scots ex Prestb../ Mormon tune taking there by Ex pats...A Scot who started his journey to the States,from the TOLB
  15. That'll be WALES of the List Then :laugh: Full of Cheery Folk and never were British by consensus .Submission I believe And Aaron Your Dodgin' the Questions...I'll put it another Way , A Church or Synagouge on the Mound ? If you went back in time...Forefathers ...GREY or Blue...? Cant have any Ol' shite ..getting their feet warm on the Peat fire .
  16. Dont want to be Pedantic...but if it's LEE you aint gonna be a YANK ..Evil Empire ,still !!! ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9TKSmrcRZM&feature=relmfu
  17. I'm not fat...but ok. Don't Listen To LAB..He's the Miserable ,Miserly Stereotype you see on the Tele ..Plus his Left Foot is massive ,cannae hide it ! Were not all like that ..The ones he's seen are all From New Jersey .....and the HOUSE of PAIN ... Grant OR LEE ?that is the Question .,get it right an I give You a Bed..if not then LAB can Bed you ...
  18. WHAT he WANTS and what he Gets two Different Things... F***K me that was Quick SCOT ,If only I liked National Socialism ...same wavelength sometimes..Upbringings for you .... :laugh:
  19. Obama OH ! no....some of my favourite OKIES......Proud of their flag...and people "BLUE COLLER" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBHArjhm-40&feature=related
  20. A good Starting point .Would be Fair skinned...Red gene.....Know the King James edition.. And since your an OKIE ...Know of Jack Guthrie.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIefCxjYPu0 If you feel that in your bones...I'll vouch for you ...
  21. If a Working Strain dies out ,is it not down to the guys farther down the line ..than the Progenitor of said Line... You obtain a Worker from a Working Line ...you either work and Test the Dog /Bitch .YOURSELF ,then carry on with the ones that make your "Grade" Surely If you go to a Guy who'se "Grade " is a LOOKER ,then surely you cant blame The Progenitor of the LIne?,for Their failing ,but you sure can. USE his NAME Might be bad logic on my Part but if the Owner of a Terrier that is up for being a Worker,Looks like he can't Walk the distance of himself....WELL...unless someone e
  22. There no use when you have to get about on this Terrain ,Someone keen" Soft "in the head is best Spritely = F****D for a few days :laugh:
  23. i thought i recognised that, its the sonny test. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mLqshL0WEk
  24. Had that happen... Young & in Love ,,girls Family ,from The Isles "outer hebrides"..got shipped out in the Summer.Lovelorn she would phone from a Phone box up the village,get me to reverse the charges ..wasn't Daft 2 weeks got found out ...good kicking !and no more Phone.spent the half of the summer Heartbroken then the other half Wondering if some one else was Dancing with her .Eventually some one DID !!! Ah! to be young again . poor you ! Nah ! Saved could never keep her in the Style she was acustomed too.. went on to win a prize and dogs..You've got that all to look for
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