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Everything posted by jimjim

  1. hope to make the journey across the lovely blackstair mountains with my lurcher to attend this show, glad to see lurcher gate is free as i am a poor student, if i want to attend main event is there concessions for students? I WISH YOU WELL WITH YOUR EVENT
  2. Not all terrier & lurcher shows do have split classes - some do and if class numbers justify it so will we at our 2013 shows. gee albert j i bet if you were a dog you'd be a jack russell you never give in or give the last word to anybody
  3. would every one get a grip,seems to me that the man must have a few terrier bitches he'd like to show which are not jacks , and the game fair didn't provide a bitch class, where as the terrier and lurcher shows do.
  4. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. See my answer above nothing sinister - just I took a holiday. When you think how much we put into terrier & lurchers compared to other shows both here and in the UK - you will see that your comment about it being cheaper for prizes is laughable. If the numbers justify splitting we will do so if not we won't unless it is to 'reward' a specialist judge making the effort to come here. glad you enjoyed your holiday... other shows do put a lot in to albert it must be said . about your specialist ju
  5. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. looks like you're not getting any answers to your question, do not understand why they made a distinction between the jack russell and the other breeds? They must have something to hide when they are not giving a reason. If it was something silly they would be all answering it. I think its time for Albert J to throw some light on the subject. it will most likely be the same in birr then when there is no valid explanation ..........
  6. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. looks like you're not getting any answers to your question, do not understand why they made a distinction between the jack russell and the other breeds?
  7. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe.
  8. you do get some daff question's asked sometimes but he came all the way from scotland for free to ask them....FAIR PLAY TO HIM do you know for sures thrs no pat in the mix .. certain of the mix ,IF it is the lurcher you are referring to ? i bred it my self
  9. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog. Do you still think this is a pedigree deerhound, you above all people should of known it was not a pedigree deerhound with your 30 years of experience in lurchers. Welcome to Ireland, the home of wheaten cross lurchers. I would forgive you for thinking he was part deerhound, because of his colour. As I have stated he is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten, put it down as a learning curve for yourself, be
  10. Now flash this was nothing to do with the conformation of the dog, and come to think of it nothing to do with you either. As far as the judge is concerned it is sorted, and that is the end of that.
  11. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog. Do you still think this is a pedigree deerhound, you above all people should of known it was not a pedigree deerhound with your 30 years of experience in lurchers. Welcome to Ireland, the home of wheaten cross lurchers. I would forgive you for thinking he was part deerhound, because of his colour. As I have stated he is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten, put it down as a learning curve for yourself, be
  12. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog.
  13. lets all see a picture of your dog ??? i asked if it were a pure bred ?? very deerhound looking , thats why i asked ???----if i look a twat , so be it Here is a picture of the dog.
  14. my lurcher is broken haired three quater hound and quarter wheaten terrier and the lurcher judge asked the question IS HE PURE BREAD? I AM NOT UPSET THAT I DID NOT WIN just very pissed off that after traveling such a journey at some expence to find some judge that could not identify what was stareing him in the face . WHAT IS A LURCHER ONLY A MONGREL and I HAVE NEVER SEEN A HAIRY GREYHOUND
  15. you would at least expect a judge to know the particular breed of dog he was to judge
  16. i made the journey from the far south of ireland with my lurcher today was up from 5am. entered my lurcher in a lurcher class for the judge to ask me is he pure bred !!!!!! wont be going there again judge dosnt even know what a lurcher is.
  17. thank you jsmith these are great photos , looks like you had a great show
  18. will you have this digging contest every year ? IT WAS RIGHT CRACK ,they are some men to keep up the speed for half an hour, you would want to have ate your spinach
  19. thanks for the photos folks........some really nice dogs......congratulations to winning owners.
  20. well done source ...........always like the trouble you go to sourcing judges........ from as far way as england the north and limerick these men really knew their dogs ....... the champion was a lovely terrier, congratulations winning owner
  21. great day out folks....really enjoyed the digging contest ....lads will you have a word with the man upstairs about the weather for next year please, had to get myself a few hot toddies to thaw out on the way home :drink:
  22. would have to disagree still say its one of the fairer shows i have been to.....when you see judges from outside ireland there, they would have to be impartial, i go to this show and others in southern ireland and still say this is a fair show
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