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Posts posted by cragman

  1. Waited for this chap for nigh on an hour last night. He wouldn’t come to any call, so I waited for him to come to me. He was in no hurry, disappearing for a few minutes in cover then reappearing. I was stood near a chicken pen, watching rats scurrying all over the place with a tawny owl also watching. Dropped the fox at about 85 yards with the Hornet/wraith and a v max pill 👍🏻


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  2. Be interesting when there’s a fire on UU land. There won’t be many keepers and countrymen helping them to fight it, and they’ll have all the right gear ?? All good will lost in one go ?

  3. 9 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

    The chief executive is a big shooting man as well 

    He’s gone and a woke, anti has taken over and moved her team in. The antis have got at them ??

    fishing will be next 

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  4. 1 hour ago, foxdropper said:

    Back in the mists of time when egg collecting was something most lads did ,I found a cuckoos egg in a mistletoe thrushes nest .Left it and sure enough on next visit there was only one large chick .Fork of a sycamore tree .Memories very vivid of it .

    A very unusual host to use. The cuckoos egg would have been smaller than the mistle thrushes egg. And the steep sides on the nest…would have been a job to push anything over the side. Probably never had one recorded in such a nest 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Greyman said:

    It was something I saw on telly many moons ago but it was referring to Reed warblers at the time, but there is more modern research into it 


    Yes, Reed Warblers can reject eggs whereas meadow pipits seem to accept them even though they’ve seen the female cuckoo laying in their nest. Evolution at work. The pipits need to up their game. Hedge sparrows will accept any coloured egg so are good hosts for the CC. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Greyman said:

    It’s a deliberate disguise mate, the host only leaves its nest for very short periods of time so the cuckoo does not get long enough to lay its egg, but by buzzing overhead the silhouette gives the impression of a sparrow hawk which makes the parent bird leave the nest for a slightly longer time which allows the cuckoo time to slip in and lay nothing in nature is accidental we just don’t understand it all ??

    It can take around 8 seconds for the cuckoo to lay her egg. She won’t “buzz “ overhead, but sometimes flies over the moor looking for reactions from the pipits, the idea is to get in and out unseen, although with meadow pipits, that’s a different story as up to 4-5 will attack her as she tries to lay. She’ll watch the host from a hidden vantage point then with a long glide, will land near the nest, find it and lay, or sometimes she will just locate it and check for its suitability as to whether it’s ready for her egg. They’re just starting to lay in pipits nests now ??

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