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Posts posted by cragman

  1. Dropped onto a place I do fox control on last night. We went to a spot where we had three cubs and a vixen earlier this summer. These were 150yds apart and the second shot, the adult dog, never flinched after the cub was shot first. 160 and 165 yds with the 22.250. Spotted another at dusk as we arrived so I’ll call for that this week ??


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  2. Used to knock on asking if we could walk their dogs, then take them ratting along the rat infested river, where floating turds were a common sight. Returned them later wet through and stinking but the dogs were happy. One mongrel, Kim, used to swim over and do the opposite bank on his own. Good ratter and cat killer 

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    • Haha 3
  3. Olivia Newton John passed away peacefully this morning. Never really liked her early stuff but late seventies she came onto her own with some decent pop songs RIP bonny girl. 
    Also for those of a certain age, Judith Durham also passed away at weekend, her of The Seekers fame. Great singer, had some big hits in the sixties RIP 

    • Thanks 2
  4. Heard and watched three on Saturday and another three last night in different spots. I study them on the moor. The females are just getting ready to lay in meadow pipits nests in the next week or two so the males are getting all giddy and territorial. 

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Arry said:

    Can't believe can you how things have changed we used to roam the streets, fields and quarries in gangs with air guns when we was kids.

    All becoming a nonsense.

    Cheers Arry

    Bought an airgun with my first wage at 16. Walked through the town to the canal with the gun over my shoulder to try. Then got on the bus to my girlfriends, no one batted an eyelid then walked home with it later ??

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