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Everything posted by FERRETINGMAN


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    I have a 50 yard quick set long net and 2 mk1 ferret finder boxes with no collers


  2. For sale View Advert I have a 50 yard quick set long net and 2 mk1 ferret finder boxes with no collers £200 Advertiser FERRETINGMAN Date 13/02/24 Price £200 Category Miscellaneous  
  3. I'm thinking of sale my mk1 with 3 collars haw much would it be worth Thanks Ferretingman
  4. Thanks for the help much appreciated
  5. Will she can dawn or do I separate her agane
  6. Just a quick? I have had ferrets for years but never had this i bread a litter this year the kits are naw 10 weeks old I've taken the mother out and put her with her sister but that keep fighting as soon as the get close y is this happening thanks Mick
  7. Just a quick? I have had ferrets for years but never had this i bread a litter this year the kits are naw 10 weeks old I've taken the mother out and put her with her sister but that keep fighting as soon as the get close y is this happening thanks Mick
  8. My kits for next season
  9. My kits for this season
  10. I will help also mate if u get stuck mate pm me
  11. Ur right there mate a good strong pup carnt wate to get out with her and are storm
  12. As enay body got enay pheasant that I cud have or buy in the westyorksire or northyorkshire atb Mick
  13. I told u yesterday that net is wank if u give it to me it would be a lot better lmfao
  14. U and lala need to get ur ass in to gear instead of letting a 13year old do all the work lol
  15. We shud of had more but we will get them next time and the banter was good as well
  16. Would like to no if enay 1 of her got a pup of cold ethyl from Scotland wondered haw that have turned out like this is mine what I got from her
  17. Do what u won't if u won't to slip him then u can mate
  18. That's what it needs is sum runs and when u come with me let the f****r go and stay on the lead lol
  19. I'm in the same boat I've got to start tomorrow not looking forward to it in this weather
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