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Yokel Matt

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Posts posted by Yokel Matt

  1. You'd have know if it was an owl in the middle of a corvid roost mate - they'd all be in the air and would have been going ape-shit. Find a sheltered part of the wood, preferably with an ivy clad tree in the vicinity and with plenty of droppings on the floor and on a windy day you'll find the woodies looking for an easy lunch.


    That's a quality set up you have there and to be honest I think the caliber debate is irrelevant... bragging rights when something goes right and an excuse when it goes wrong.

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  2. Two years ago my leeks were a write off with whatever grub it is that turns them to mush and I said I never grow them again. I rotated the patch to pumpkins and sweet corn last year and this year changed my mind again and decided to have another go with the leeks again. The leeks have been a bumper crop, as were my shallots - where the grub came from and where they've gone to is a mystery!

  3. The wind would have made things even harder off sticks anyway, probably just as well you left them in the truck, at least you knew where they were..... I've got an expensive habit of leaning them up against a bush/ tree or by a gralloch site and then never seeing them again.... or just propping them against the truck when packing up and then reversing over them.

    • Like 1
  4. In my experience the third leg to shooting stick will lose you more shots than it assists. As for the fore and stock support add-on that's just one more thing to dick about with at a critical time. These self levelling sticks are all well and good when they are new and clean but with any moderate amount of use I've found they hang, stick and cost you an opportunity.

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  5. Bromadiolone is on the label of this stuff although from the quantity they are last night (outside) I'm hoping they OD. Had one in the fenn outside as well although it was half the size of the one I saw near my log pile which looked as if it could take on a tom cat.


    From what I've seen when shooting them with the Airgun they readily eat their fallen comrades if given half a chance. If they eat a poisoned one would they develop an immunity if it's in a weak enough dose?? If so should I chop and change the poison to keep ahead of them?

  6. thats a big doe have shot a lot in my time but nowt like that


    The weights in LB mate, not KG. I've got no real experience with with fallow but know that sika don't get as big a fallow does and I've shot plenty of 90+ LB hinds. I would have thought 100lb + for a prime doe wouldn't be unusual making this animal a little over the hill and out of condition?


    Sorry, just seen your update. A 68lb roe would huge!

  7. Where in somerset are you ?

    West of bristol mate - near Nailsea.


    The wife was motivated enough to go the the local agri centre today and got some stuff called jade grain which they reckon is good(??) Bait outside, trap inside the way to go? I don't want one of these fuckers stinking the house out or she'll have me up there til Christmas lifting boards and rock wool looking for the bloater!


    There are a couple of mk4s in the loft directly above our bedroom so if they go off in the night I expect I'll know about it!! - they way thing are going it'll probably foul catch and the thing will scream the house down.

    • Like 2
  8. Jesus - worst night sleep ever! You'd have thought it was the zombie apocalypse judging from the wife's reaction last night when it sounded like rats wearing hobnail boots were twerking in the walls and attic.


    I know I've got to find out there the buggers are getting in and block it up but could anyone suggest a good readily available poison on them? I've used stuff that calls itself rat poison from garden centres before outside my chicken coup but the fuckers ate it like sweets and keep coming back for more!

  9. Harkila do one they reckon will hold a Sika but I can't see one fitting in it. I've had two roe bucks in one and it damn near killed me and that was with someone else carrying my rifle and sticks. You'd go down hard with a load like that on your back... Might even find yourself in a chiller. I also find the Harkila material choice was a real mistake as it amplifies any noise you make brushing up against foliage. A drag rope is cheeked and safer for something that size if have thought.... Or a 4x4....



    That scope is a quality bit of kit - the problem is your mounts. Id try to avoid shimming them on a centerfire if you can and take it to a gunsmith to try some different mounts and bore sight it.


    If you do decide to shim the front make sure to use metal, not paper, a drinks can is easy enough to cut to the right dimension with kitchen scissors.

    We have all done it, but you mean the back, he wants more elevation not less.


    Ha! Probably the reason I decided to get different mounts!!!



  11. Couldn't believe my eyes yesterday but I arrived at a farm to get a few traps down and saw a heron standing by a run of mole hills that I'd planned to work. I watched it for a few minutes and then saw it strike down to grab one that must have been lifting. b*****d beat me to it. After a bit of a flick it was down the hatch.


    Can't make up my mind on whether to be happy for the free labour or cross for the competition!

  12. That scope is a quality bit of kit - the problem is your mounts. Id try to avoid shimming them on a centerfire if you can and take it to a gunsmith to try some different mounts and bore sight it.


    If you do decide to shim the front make sure to use metal, not paper, a drinks can is easy enough to cut to the right dimension with kitchen scissors.

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