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Yokel Matt

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Posts posted by Yokel Matt

  1. It will pay for itself

    It will take longer to do that than I thought it would when I started! Costs spiralled a bit when I realised you can't do a good job using cheep materials.


    Very nice job pal, and some good kit, will make a perfect set up, looking at doing something my self soon from one of my buildings, what is the parlour board ? And where did you source the chiller, I desperately need one of them.

    The parlour board is just a cheeper alternative to altro white rock cladding, you can get it in 8x4 sheets from mole valley farmers - I used the connector strips and corner moulds as well but you don't have to, especially if your room is flat and square.


    The chiller was a fluke on ebay after looking for ages and ages. Its a 1mx1m modula one but I've got the number of a bloke that refurnishes and converts large commercial fridges for the purpose (and will deliver) if you want it.

  2. The sausages looked the part but turned out a bit too salty for my taste despite my best efforts to get the measurements right. The devil is in the detail with these things!


    I took the pic on my iPhone by making sure the camera lens was flat against the optic and then tapped the screen for it to autofocus. It was a bit fiddly.

    • Like 2
  3. I recently had rats in the walls of my house which the wifes been going batshit about so it was zero tolerance on the vermin at chateau Matt.


    I've trapped a fair few and had poison down in the right places (I realised only too late not to put it in the attic after reading a reply on here and the loftspace stunk for a month!). Anyway - it seems like id been feeding the whole county's rat population as I was going through buckets of the stuff so I decided to start baiting the fenns with rat pasta tied on with a bit of copper wire.


    Sadly I found this fella in the fenn set in my woodpile. I guess my chickens got away with it - in fact I cant believe I haven't lost any - but I used to keep working ferrets and can't help feel a bit sick about this one.




    Wild Polecats in Somerset though or a escaped / abandoned pet?

  4. I picked up a nuke of bees earlier in the year and they appear to be doing well - at least I think they're still alive....


    .. anyway, I received some colourful language the other day from a farmer who was moving some bales of straw for his livestock at another part of the farm about 3 miles away. Something about my effing bees... blah blah... stung be to feck.... etc.




    I just felt sorry for the bees!

    • Like 4
  5. I found myself with an hour to spare the other afternoon so popped over to a local place for the last part of the day. From a shooting perspective its only a single field but its surrounded neighbouring ground made up of some mature woodland or rough, untended scrub making this arable patch a magnet on the right day. There isn't a lot of pressure to hammer them here so I can be a bit more picky and while shooting 5 here last year might seem excessive there were still plenty about. On the last successful visit in the buck season I shot 2 out of 9 deer seen, one of which is a good buck that I want to encourage.


    Anyway - on this day the deer were already out feeding when I arrived at 15:30hrs. The lay of the land and the wind meant that it was easy to use a hedgerow as cover and stalk into position on the bipod where I was literally spoilt for choice.




    There was a doe and twins (buck & doe), a doe with a single follower (buck), a mature buck and another doe with a massive single follower (doe) with her - eight deer in total. I selected the young doe follower from the set of twins (I wanted to try out my new sausage stuffer and she would make provide the perfect ingredients) and waited for the shot.




    No... I didn't texas heart shoot it - they spent so long facing away from me I began experimenting with taking a pic though the scope lense. Anyway she eventually turned and I chest shot her to which she went straight down. The doe came back out to see here and would have been shootable but the its a bit too early for the buck kid to be without here so I let her be.





    • Like 7
  6. There some relatively entertaining topics on here but almost every one seems to now descend into a caliber slagging match, all be it a good natured one. Any chance the energy devoted to inane banter could be better spent? It must be very confusing for a lot of the younger hunters as the point of the topics are often lost altogether...


    ... Or am I wrong?

  7. Good, refreshing post JD - If nothing else this thread teaches both young and old that you don't need all the fancy kit, don't need to look like a commando and don't need to worry about which pellet has the best ballistic coefficient. Just get out there, have a go and learn from your mistakes.

    • Like 3
  8. I'd have a good look about for slots on the 'safe' part of the wood. I find it very hard to believe that the deer avoid it all together and whilst the other bit might be preferable at some point the will be where you want them to be. It's just a case of being in the right place at the right time. Failing this get a highseat up, you can get them off 'tinternet for less than £100.

    • Like 2
  9. As to maybe the odd big cats in the wild, for my money Large Feral Cats.[/font][/size]

    I agree - I've shot one and it looked much bigger on the lamp that when you got up to it, still a big old cat though, about the size of a fox vixen.

  10. I've found that if you skin them too quickly they are too floppy and it's actually harder to manipulate, the end result also doesn't look that great, the blood stains the meat and bits of fur tend to stick more readily. Left to hang overnight they drip dry and stiffen up so whilst they're slightly tougher to skin you have a better looking end product.

  11. Sounds like you had all the luck then!


    The dog walker was politely reminded where the footpath was although he didn't half jump when I shouted from the high-seat! I'm waiting to hear back on the permission being extended to the surrounding 150 acres of woodland plus the adjoining farm so if holding my tongue and losing decent stag is the price I pay it'll still be worth it as you never know who your talking to! He was a very good stag though!

  12. If ever a dog was smiling in a picture it's that! What an asset to have along.


    I had a rather more negative experience with a dog on Saturday, I had an 8 point sika stag bang to rights in the scope and some fecking dog who's owner was off the footpath chased it away just as I was about to put one in it.

  13. I think I recall the post you are referring to - the one where a lifetime poacher was caught for the umpteenth time red-handed up in Scotland and most of the replies were from people will Bull-X's as their avatar saying what a great bloke he was and anyone who disagreed was just jealous!


    The posts are obviously appreciated as they are read loads of times. There's just seems to be very little appetite for comment / debate.

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