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dave a

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dave a last won the day on April 23 2010

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24 Good

About dave a

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    Born Hunter

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  1. heres one crob the know all:PISS OFF means GO AWAY!
  2. tell me your address and i will call

  3. its a wonder its not dead my advice would be for you to give it to sombody that knows how to look after a dog nothing wrong with bellies(tripe)you fukkin eejit,the lad is asking advice from men who have advice to offer not from you.
  4. don't be silly,now run along,i'm sure you must have some housework to catch up on.nothing worse than a know-it-all female that actually knows nothing,and you're not the only one.
  5. 3 and a half and stays 5 mins,only one answer for him.get something else out of well bred well worked stuff and start again.
  6. i have no problem showing them my kennels mate but if i did'nt let them in they would have thought i had something to hide i have decent kennels and well kept dogs,i would show how they are kept to any dog man i know and trust,i just wouldn't give those do-gooding, bunny hugging scum the satisfaction of getting access to my yard.two of them called on me about 6 yrs ago,they wern't let in and i told one of them to fcuk his friend to death with a broken bottle.i've never heard from these little uniformed gayboys since.these little muppets wear a uniform for a reason,both in uk and ireland an
  7. no offence but your first mistake was showing him your dogs and kennels.that crowd have no rights of access to any property,tell em fcuk off your property,they have no powers at all,scum in uniforms is all they are.
  8. half cross,3/4 cross whatever,all ye rate dogs on their cross and %,and stupid questions like whats a bull hound/collie hound/deerhound/greyhound/saluki/whippet etc.BOLLOCKS.its down to heart,drive and speed no matter what cross.i keep bull and wheaten crosses for foxes and don't have time for collie crosses normally but i've seen a few great collie bred fox dogs,ye all seem to generalise about things too much.
  9. if you go to a golf supplies shop you should be able to get a second hand electric caddy battery for 10-15 quid.they would all be between 20-24 amp,a better job for powering a lamp with 100w bulb.
  10. running a fox at night with a good lurcher is sport,shooting with a rifle is not.there was a post months ago in i think the deer stalking section of two little fat boys who had shot a whole litter of small cubs and then described what happened as "battle",they thought they were so brave.there is times of course when foxes need to be shot but shooting huge amounts on the lamp is not good.
  11. thanks kay for that,i wouldn't be the best with computer stuff.
  12. ya its a bit strange,somebodys watching.
  13. i dont know but they are in the active users list as if they are members
  14. anyone tell me whats the story with msn/bing,yahoo,google and ask jeeves?always online,always watching and their profiles can't be accesed like normal members can.
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