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Status Replies posted by GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

  1. my saluki grey picks up charlies as if there rabbits

  2. terriers are sore this morning, they should learn to speed up , , ,

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      listen here punjab, stop flicking your bean n get down here, we got work to do, , border swollen lol,

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. is buzzin i became a dad today at 12.35 to a beutiful little boy named charliee. get in

  4. 1,38am, police just done there last check to see am in, , now my old man going to hosp with welding flash, its going to be a long night, , , ,

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      he always goes mad at me for being careless, ive never seen him without a mask on when welding, il get him told tonight lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. 1,38am, police just done there last check to see am in, , now my old man going to hosp with welding flash, its going to be a long night, , , ,

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      sorted now cheers, was blind for awhile, i put all sorts on him before he went into hosp. .

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. beating in the morning, on the estate were i have permission, all the keepers and famrers that i fell out with will be there, wish me luck . .

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      morning, you got any birds back there to pick ? . .f**k off you poaching c**t.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. snow flakes the same size as 50p coins coming down heavy, ,

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      its just started to thaw out here from the other week, now its back again.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. seen a cang of gals today with the socks tooked in the bottems and dummys in the gobs,wtf is that about

    1. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      thats called class from were iam from, , you wana see the muckys here, even my staff is wary,

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Everything`s looking promising for tonite people, batterys charged, winds blowing a gale dog a rearing to go so bring on the dark, hahahahahaha

  10. wales shall not be safe as me and mlb are entering the country shortly haha!!!!

  11. went to a greyhound and lurcher show had a great day out, saw nice dogs, stunning pups and even had a go at showing my dogs, turning into a show pony for the summer lol

  12. had pesky kids around last night, ringing my door bell and running off ! lmao

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