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Everything posted by gundogbob

  1. how many more of our troops have got to sadly loose thire lives in this war do you think we should pull out or start fighting back and bomb the mountins for alkieda??????????????
  2. we had all this last nite same post change the stock £300 is well out in this condition
  3. sounds like you should as buster321c gave you good advice with a bit of banter if this is not good enough bye bye no one will loose any sleep over it
  4. :welcomeani: its fun on here with great people well most :11:
  5. you asked for oppinions mate we gave them just being honest good luck with the sale
  6. just thinking about this again are you using 22 or 177 as with the 177 it is possible that being slightly of target for eny reason it is possible for the pellet to go through the nasal passage of the rabbit witch would explain why they jump about but are not dead
  7. hi mate have you got the original stock as i think this is what is putting people off the stocks look heavy and bulky and not to well made
  8. i met my wife at the bus stop been with her 13 years now with one girl of 3 and another on the way
  9. got to be power then if in range. what about zero is that ok
  10. yea id second that i got hatsan escort magnum ok but jams up to often
  11. sounds like your gun has lost power or out of range
  12. well that another 7 mins of life wasted funny though the mans a loon
  13. nice great to hear a good post if we all acted this way the world would be a safer place
  14. its about time we had something interesting on telly
  15. great for poachers to manes the run like stink
  16. some times use one in grain store for rats ferrels
  17. id say go for 410 as garden gun will not hit enything moving and if you just want to train basic safty then just use old air gun mate or get one of them training guns they are great look like the real thing and even fire caps to keep t hem interested
  18. it is a year old just havent used it much tommorow will be fine after 3;00 please pm me if you are intrested and i will tell you where to come thanks ok mate will do
  19. how old is it mate as i might be interested can i come around tommorow if so
  20. hi mate i would take him to the vets if i was you just in case of infection best get it checked now as later may cost you alot more hope he is ok goodluck
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