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Everything posted by Linc

  1. I've considered getting a hob from a rescue as the fee is only 50 quid an its allready vac'd. Do a good deed an get a bargain.
  2. I've heard a rumour recently that rase might be getting closed down for 'performing un-necessary operations.' Cant say if its true just thought I'd let you know. I used to use them when I lived right by the one near bradley x-roads an they seemed very good. I'm sure if you got a snipped hob a small stud fee would be reasonable to cover your costs.
  3. Sorry to hijack the thread but I'm in the same area and will be in the same situation. You guys have a good vet for ferrets? I use abbey on bargate for the dogs so will probably use the same.
  4. I heard the internet was full of that sort of photo!
  5. You can keep ducks on the same land as root vegetables as long as you dont overstock. They'll keep the slugs an snails off for you. I keep indian runners and mallards fed on layers pellets an they cost about £1 a month per bird. Geese will do well in an orchard as long as there's plenty of grass. They'll also eat any windfalls before the rats get a chance. I'm sure the small holders have plenty of clever ways to make the most of a small area.
  6. How would you go about getting one of them? Surely you dont need a special licence to buy an sell meat. Basic hygene should cover it. Or are there special laws around game?
  7. I didnt realise what a bargain I'm getting. 39% protien 15kg about 12quid from the local animal feeds. They do own brand dog food an puppy foods too. All high protien low cereal at a good price
  8. Looks tidy. Good professional job. Nice idea only doin the front end. At least you'll be less likely to get snagged up while your moving through under growth. I might give it a go myself.
  9. I didnt really have this problem because the dogs opened the cage on the first day! Luckily all they ate was their food. Since then tho I've tried letting them play 2gether as much as possible an havent had a problem yet ... fingers crossed
  10. Is this still for sale? Whats the price an miles? Cheers
  11. He's the image of my six year old.I'd give him a good home but the wife says if a fourth dog moves in I have to move out! Lovely looking. Hope you find him a good family home.
  12. I got a rabbit hutch from pets at home about 6 months ago an its that repaired I should'v built one! I had to put new catches on 1st day
  13. Diggermad Why 'NOT dog food and liver' do you mean dry dog food or tinned dog meat? Thanks for any advice
  14. Any idea if these will work with a mk3 collar?
  15. Cheers for the replies. Thats all the excuse I need to get two so thanks. I was planning on starting with one an then another when I've learnt a bit more. I'm in North Lincolnshire if there's anyone with surplus kits looking later this year let me kno.
  16. Is this a common problem? Is it best to keep pairs? I'm thinking of getting a ferret this year and as a beginner was thinking of just getting the one.
  17. There's a gunshop in Licoln (City Airweapons Ltd) selling the Ultra multishot at £353. Bit far for you to travel but they had an advert in March issue of Airgun World if you took a copy along to your local dealer it might help give you a bit of bargaining power. Hope that might help. Let us kno how you get on
  18. Let us kno how you get on. I've got the same problem around my ducks. I'm trying traps at the min but not doing very well. I'm a bit limited where I can place them though due to my dogs loving peanut butter too!
  19. Well done. At least they're not shy coming back out. Happy hunting. Hope it makes a good meal
  20. Thanks. I'll hav a read through an find some traps that'll work. So far the duck bath has claimed more than the traps or the cats combined I think!
  21. I'm expecting to get shot down for this but what do you bunch of old pro's think of those electric deterents? The plug in type that emit a sound that keeps them away?
  22. He must be from good stock. Nice fireplace too. I've just got a hole at the min after opening it back up. I'll find the right one at the right price eventually!
  23. Whats mix is the dog? Looks like a shar pei cross. Looks a beauty in the action shot in your signature.
  24. Just downloaded it and had a quick scan. Looks excellent so thanks for the link. Cheers
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