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Everything posted by johnpop

  1. Gouldy hope your not taking the pi s s as I am goin to try this lol
  2. Always thought the layers pellets were all they need like a all In one food but will defiantly change things around and see what happens.
  3. When I first got them they were laying on and off for about 3weeks then nothin. Will try the grit and thanks every one for ya comments
  4. No grit but have plenty free ground to scratch about in
  5. Basically feed them just pellets and kitchen scraps. No mixed corn at all. A think two were laying but now none at all. Could it be anything to do with worms or anything like that
  6. Warm it up never heard of that before, will this not make the pellets go to mash?
  7. Defiantly not laying yet my run has no we're to hide eggs and I check different times of the day and never any signs. Fenn hope your right as there costing a fortune to feed for nothing. Does any one feed old bread that's left over as scraps?
  8. 2 black rocks 2leg bars and the rest just brown hens not sure what. Keep 5 in separate runs to stop over crowding so thought egg eaten in two lots would be unlucky. A couple eggs now and then throng winter but hardly anything
  9. Got ten chickens they were point of lay at the start of winter. I no they don't produce much with the dark night's and weather. But should they be laying now. Out of ten hens I'm getting no eggs?
  10. I keep a few chickens my self down the allotment and would like to keep my self going with fresh birds instead of having to buy them. Maybe start selling a few to cover feed costs once I got the know how
  11. Phill I was thinking maybe trying some fancy small birds but not sure what yet. Would like success before talking harder breeds or are they all pretty much the same to do?
  12. Thanks for the help everyone. Will take the tips and give it a couple months then have a go. Is there any breeds you fellas advise to start off with?
  13. How big an area would I need to rear about 6 chicks till they are ready for outside?
  14. Patterdale would you mind telling me how exactly you do it as I have read loads of books and each have different views. Would like to hear it from some one that's tried and tested? Thanks
  15. How many could you keep in say a 3ft fish tank or Hutch? Would they out grow that quick or stay in till there ready for outside?
  16. Hi all just a few questions on hatching and rearing chicks. A have got a small incubator ready to hatch some chicks but was wondering of some ideas how to bring them on in brooders as I don't have a lot of room. Any ideas or pics would be great. Thanks for reading
  17. I ain't got ferrets mate and don't no any one who has. was wanting him good on the lamp and a bit day time walking in the fields etc but would like to get him doin a bit of everything. cheers
  18. cheers mate can't get more straight forward than that. lol. his basic training is coming on great really pleased with him. he seems a good steady dog to train. fingers crossed he will do the stuff.
  19. fitchet. how would you go about it? I don't no any one else with dogs or ferrets for him to learn from so it's kinda hard. would you just start him off straight on the lamp?
  20. ok fellas I realise now just to take time with him. just a lot of people put on hear that there young dogs are showing good sings. thought I might of been missing him out on things. hard to get goin when your new to this stuff.
  21. what will happen to the dogs they have been took off the lads?
  22. cheers lads. had the pup out a few times were there are plenty signs of rabbits but he hasn't showed any signs or interest. is this normal?
  23. cracking looking dog there mate. have you always worked whippets what's your overall view of pure breeds? dog in the pic looks quite a size for a whippet measured ours the other day and is standing about 17 inches, is that about right for his age?
  24. cheers for the advice fellas. just don't wanna let him miss out on anything. when you lot say moochIng what exactly is that. am I right in thinking just having a wonder about the fields and hitting lucky? I am new to all this sport. soz for the daft questions. lol
  25. thanks for the advise mate was gettin a bit worried thinking I was leaving it late, always thought they needed to see what was goin on from a young age. never done any of this stuff before so a complete learning curve ahead. cheers
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