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Everything posted by steviemann

  1. where abouts in S.W. are you? I'm in cornwall and used to keep a few plummers. And YES they were used to ground all you doubters! I guess that must be BM ALL used to ground hmmmmmmm hi brainy...glad to hear from ya ....carefull tho, they dont like plummers much on here...apparently you shouldnt breed plummer terrier coz theyre all shite. I still like Plummers but as I said this is an earthdog and working terrier site why would you offer a non working dog up to stud? This is IMO the reason most terrier men/women don't like them!!! Because of people like you the Plummer will continue
  2. Same here. Must have found a different crop to eat. Down here I keep finding very poor conditioned dying squabs.
  3. where abouts in S.W. are you? I'm in cornwall and used to keep a few plummers. And YES they were used to ground all you doubters! I guess that must be BM ALL used to ground hmmmmmmm hi brainy...glad to hear from ya ....carefull tho, they dont like plummers much on here...apparently you shouldnt breed plummer terrier coz theyre all shite. I still like Plummers but as I said this is an earthdog and working terrier site why would you offer a non working dog up to stud? This is IMO the reason most terrier men/women don't like them!!! Because of people like you the Plummer will continue
  4. Exactly the point I was trying to make.
  5. Wife's original painting of hunt £120 . Prints available 10" x 12" mounted ready to frame £15 + £3.67 p&p.
  6. Wife's painting of fox in front of oak. £40 for original. Prints available 10" x 12" mounted ready to frame £15 + £3.67 p&p.
  7. You'd never notice that pup in my pocket
  8. I think if my Charlie was still alive he would've improved the breeds reputation, I've no doubt about that. Especially as I'm now lucky enough to be out three to four times a week. As an allrounder you not find IMO a better breed. That pup looks strong, what a corker. Would've found it hard to turn that one down. But as they've got popular the price has risen the same as the Border prices did.
  9. Simple answer no. I only speak of my limited experience of owning two. They as a breed were bred as ratters and not enough people IMO work them to fox enough for the breed to develope/evolve into true earth dogs. And that is what I want, a true earth dog. IMO some do make the grade BUT far TOO MANY are only pets or rabbiters. And it's these people who will, IMO hold back the breed from the title earth dog. But IF I wanted a ratting dog that would go to ground occassionaly, was good in the house, would pick up on the peg, retrieve all the fur and feather I'd shot, catch and kill small d
  10. thats the one glenn,glad i found you on here, many on here seem to think im some sort of idiot,ive only mentioned that id like my dog to sire a litter or two and im sat here with a tin hat already. I am not and will not just breed from dog for the sake of money,i think hes a great little dog.....when i say "hard worker",i mean he is keen, gets stuck in,full of graft and does not tire easily.......if someone tells me how i'll put some pics up here. I'm not picking a fight but you still haven't answered my question. " Keen, get's stuck in, full of graft"???? Fox? Mouse? ok glenn ill re
  11. What are they eating up there mate? Looks a fat fox.
  12. thats the one glenn,glad i found you on here, many on here seem to think im some sort of idiot,ive only mentioned that id like my dog to sire a litter or two and im sat here with a tin hat already. I am not and will not just breed from dog for the sake of money,i think hes a great little dog.....when i say "hard worker",i mean he is keen, gets stuck in,full of graft and does not tire easily.......if someone tells me how i'll put some pics up here. I'm not picking a fight but you still haven't answered my question. " Keen, get's stuck in, full of graft"???? Fox? Mouse?
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