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wexford Pa

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About wexford Pa

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 23/04/1981

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    working my terriers n lurchers day n night..

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  1. Jst seen this now and havent been online till yesterday.. Ive pm'd mrpit and he understands why there was a mix up and things are sorted..
  2. Jst seen this now and havent been online till yesterday.. Ive pm'd mrpit and he understands why there was a mix up and things are sorted..
  3. Ffs, its worse than jeremy kyle on here, stick to topic! If ye fancy a convo use the PM option, good lads!
  4. Just been to try buy that chlorophyll and its expensive its 28quid for a 75cl bottle
  5. Think i may have found the answer. http://www.greatdanelady.com/articles/controlling_odors_when_your_bitch_is_in_season.htm
  6. Cheers matthews, i know of 1 myself, id like to hear if it works or not, i used to put talcon powder on there vulva but it doesnt work great..
  7. Ive a bitch comin into season soon, which i dont want to breed from this year. Ive also 2 dogs who are gonna go insane to get at her. Any lads got ideas on masking the scent of her been in season? Just to keep the peace in the yard and kennels and to keep down the frustration in the males..
  8. Well done lads, nice pics, looked a fine day for it too.. ...Pa
  9. One the dogs was found in wexford town last week, severely underweight + dehydrated,, suspect the thieves knew these dogs were to hot to keep and so just abandoned them, as far as i know only 1 has been found so far..
  10. Think its rambo yea ive got that 1 here, bad visual on that dvd..
  11. Sounds like he's sitting back to far away from his quarry, if the earth is shallow enough to sit + listen to whats goin on underground, do that! Listen to whats goin on underground, listen for different pitches in his bark or if theres a bit scuufle goin on.. If u dont hear scuffling leave a good while, when u do dig and u break through and still see no quarry, pull ur dog out and let an experience dog run it, he may give u the answers..
  12. Well done danny, i find holding the spot over the fox is better then puttin it in front of him, they dont usually want to come into the spot, maybe its just my preferance its seems to work better for me anyhow, well done tho pal..
  13. Pricks, I know gar doyle, keeps some nice fox terriers, very much show type but nice all the same.. This is the 1st ive heard of it, hope both get their dogs back,,
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