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Everything posted by whippeter69

  1. Put the snares out last night at my fathers house due to a fox that had swam across the pond onto the island and killed the 2 duck that were nesting there. So put 4 down and one particular one was on a fence line which was between the field where the pond was and the other side was a field with 2 sheep and a lamb in. Heres a pic of the run from the landy, Due to fathers Land Rover Discovery being in the dealers for a repair, he had a 59 plate defender so i used this to get to the pond as the fields are not very nice to walk through, and what a beast it was, so easy to drive and will go t
  2. :clapper: I have just been giggling to myself over this for the last 5 minutes. Heres a quote off one anti hunting site Hare Hunting and Coursing. Hares are also hunted with packs of hounds which are followed on foot, as hares are reluctant to leave their territory so the chase takes place in a large circle. The chase can last to around 90 minutes before the hare is finally killed by the hounds. The aim of hare coursing is for two dogs (usually greyhounds or lurchers) to compete against each other in pursuit of a live hare, and provide 'entertainment', to be gambled on or, in some ca
  3. A fox hunting site i found in support of fox hunting. If you have FaceBook, would you mid joining? BRING BACK FOX HUNTING Thanks Guys
  4. Nice one mate. He put his seatbelt on sharpish didn't he
  5. What Low Low people there are
  6. Yes you can, as-long as you have permission on that piece of land then just write it down on the application. I would also write on a piece of paper that you have been shooting with your uncle with rifles, and try and get a letter from him to say that you have been out with him. This will help towards the application.
  7. Lol wouldn't be a bad idea. Got it for £100. Its a parkemy poachers folding S/S hammer, Really nice little gun Good price too, sounds like you got a bargain there. You obviously can shoot well with it. I quite fancy getting something similar myself. Was a nice little bargain lol. I would, there fantastic little bunny bashers. Really will not regret getting one.
  8. Lol wouldn't be a bad idea. Got it for £100. Its a parkemy poachers folding S/S hammer, Really nice little gun
  9. Went out last night with the .410 and my mate. Went to a different farm from last time but it wasn't a good night, there was NO wind and i mean NO wind, and was fairly light, not the best lamping conditions but ow well. I shot 2 and my mates lurcher caught 2, was a good little lamping session but we can do better ha ha. Heres a pic or two of my game preparing table ( its a computer desk that my mum didn't want ) So i drilled some holes in the side to put hooks in to hang the rabbits off.
  10. Looks like an old war bunker or something.
  11. The maximum of two terriers are used to flush fox's from their earth to be shot for only the protection of game birds.
  12. For a valid view, you need to look at 2 side of the subject. If you were a keeper or farmer just coming into the lambing season or have just had pheasant poults deliver to you for the forth coming season and you need a few foxes culled because you would like to have a successful lambing or pheasant season, you would hire a rifle man to kill as many foxes as he sees on the piece of land that you own, you would do this because the rifle man will kill more fox's than any other method in a short period of time. On the other hand, if you had a pack of terrier men to kill a few foxes, they
  13. Rifle men are more effective then dog men
  14. I have mostly concentrated on lamping rabbits with the .410 this year. Haven't really had the chance to get the 12 out after the fox's. But next year hopefully if i get my FAC i will be doing a lot of fox shooting.
  15. Well done lad. Looks like that little .410 is doing you proud. What carts you putting through it? 3" Express No.5.
  16. Went for a lamp with my mate last night on some of our new permission and he took his lurcher and i took the .410. Got there about 10.30 pm, went into the first 2 fields and have 2 in each and then had about 3 for each field we went in. Any rabbits i had shot that got hit and we injured the lurcher was released to pick up which she did very well. Had a nice double, two rabbits sat next to each other, took the first one then the second. We finished at 12.45 and had 15, not a bad night. Only fourteen in the pic as one rabbit fell out of our game bag with out us realizing . Really fun night tho
  17. I was poaching 40yrs ago , there weren't no war that I noticed, I went to make a living.And I liked beating the keepers and police. Sorry meant 60 years
  18. If I could go back 40 years or so and ask the poacher " why they poach" their answer would most likely to be to feed their family's due to the shortage of food because of the wars. If you asked the same question to todays poacher what would you think the answer would be ? It would most likely to be "because i like the buzz and its fun". Now i can get along with a poacher who would go onto some ones land under the cover of darkness and catch a couple of rabbits for his family, but for a poacher today to wonder onto piece of land with a lurcher and course hares and rabbits for fun and then they
  19. Wrong buddy. I have a running dog and don't poach, simply because i have the balls to go and ask the landowner if i can hunt on their land.
  20. because the majority of people that are normal don't feel the need to be chavvy, tracksuit wearing, dole sponging wasters And when one of my permissions ask me " Were you lamping on my land last night" I wouldn't hesitate to get the plod involved for the poaching SCUM that go on my permission without the landowners consent. When coursers are involved in carrying out a illegal act on land they do not have permission on i would always be on the polices side.
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