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About Stu29

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    Great Britain

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  1. Good Luck mate I to are in the same boat,I’m after a deerhound x Grey or a 2nd x ,alas nothing as yet. But your not to far away from me if I hear anything I will keep you in mind. Atb
  2. Thanks much appreciated ! if at all you hear about a Deerhound x Greyhound needing a good home preferably with a blue rough coat, long muzzle you know what meangive me a message please . Here is a picture of my Greyhound. ( Whiteys Indego atb
  3. I used to have Deerhound x Greyhound crosses and had many happy hours coursing up North where I used to live ( happy Times )20 years on i now have a Greyhound she has retired ( 7 years old) now she had won 3 Open Races over her career now a couch potato,I’m retired now with lots of time on my hands and fancying another Deerhound / Greyhound again but I’m finding hard to find one.I’m also a Keen Newcastle United fan ..Nottingham Forest tomorrow.must dash my wife needs to go shopping All the Best
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