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Posts posted by chartpolski

  1. Seeeeeeeee ian get it sorted smoochers is better than this place.. :D .


    Now Now !!!! Mr. Millet, I didn't say that !!!! But it is far easier to put photo's up on smoochers, even for a computer illiterate like me.


  2. If you would like a little help from 3 American bulldogs, i,d be up for it and i,m sure they would be. Not that i,m saying bullx would,nt manage i have one of these also. I live up north it,ll be a long time til they breed they're way up here :icon_eek: I was in Texas 3 years ago boar hunting althogh this does,nt make me an expert i do know that this is a very dangerous hobby, dog's are never used without cut jackets or wide collars.

    Where abouts in the north are you matti ? There is a breeding colony of wild boar, (not ferals), in Choppwell woods near Gateshead, escaped from a breeder a few years ago. Regularly seen and causing damage to the adjacent golf course.


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  3. A white rabbit escaped into the nature reserve behind my house and there has been pure white and particoloured offspring for 2 seasons now. I chase them daily with my pup and believe me, they are every bit as fast and wary as their normal coloured siblings !!! I did put up a photo on smoochers a while ago, I'll take the camera out and see if I can get some more photos.


  4. SO ARE RATS...????????

    Bullsmilk, I take it you mean rats are mammals also ?? Of course you are right, but read the "Hunting Act, 2004" and you will find that the hunting of ALL mammals with dogs is banned, with the exception of rats and rabbits, subject to certain restrictions, (i.e., you must have permission), please don't any one reply saying I'm wrong, as the act is such a f**k up, even human rights lawers are having a hard time interpreting it. (and I tend to totally ignore it, anyway.).


  5. This thread is turning into crap !! A.S.D., you should be above this, you've nowt to prove. If I was into daytime hares I would have a "fen dog", if lamping was my game I would try for a "Minshaw", as it happens I do a bit of everything, so I hope my dog will be an "allrounder", She will not excell on daytime hares or phenomenal night time bags, but she will keep a "moocher "like me happy, (hopefully !!).


  6. In my opinion, there are two variables which dictate how many dogs you own; time and space, (no, it's not a science lesson !!!). I've retired, so I have the time, and have space for 3 or 4 dogs, but choose to have a maximum of 2. This is so I can give them the attention they need, feeding, grooming, excersing and training, etc., and still have time for other things. I have a 8/9 y.o. Doberman and an 11 m.o. Lurcher and they are out mooching every day for at least 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs at night, I couldn't really justify having more dogs, but this doesn't mean other people can't successfuly have 3, 4 or more dogs and give them all the attention they need, it's down to personal preference.


  7. Back in the 70s I used to course hares on Sunderland Airfeild, (remember that place, Hylts ? ), any way, coming back from there one night, I happened to shine the lamp over the Nissan sports feild, I couldn't beleive my eyes!!! Hares all over the place. There was only one hole in the fence where they could get into/ out of, so i tyed my fell terrier to the hole in the fence and let the little old lurcher bitch into the feild; the one and only time I have ever taken 3 out of 3, totally unsporting but what the hell, she was absolutly knackered but would still have tried for her fourth, but I decided that was enough and went into the "horse shoes" next door for a pint. Next night I took my brother with his racing whippet there, it had never caught owt in it's life, (or won a race, for that matter !!), but it still took a hare. Point being; if some one says they have taken 12 from 12, perhaps the have, but in what circumstances ?


  8. dogginlad your right on with the rubbish thing the river bank was covered ,it is a shame but you cant tell some people :no:

    Whilst being dead set against the litter dumping, I'm sure the good people of Appleby will be able to afford the clean up. There was a mark up of at least 50p a pint in the bars, compared to "non" fair prices, I lost count of the number of parking tickets being issued, and £6 to park in a feild was a bit steep. Still, no excuse for not putting your litter in the bin.


  9. a staghound is just a big foxhound,(i think),there will be people on here who can tell you better than me,some people call deerhounds,staghounds,but i wouldnt call what you have one

    You're right, a staghound is a foxhound used on red deer, but some travellers, (and Aussies), call deerhound/greyhound Xs, especially rough coated ones, staghounds.


  10. Had a great time there yesterday, far better than last year when it p****d down !! Took a horsey mate with us, he seemed to know every second person there! We were in and out of all the bars, had a good craic with some Irish lads who had come over to buy horses but were put of by the prices, between £7000 and £20000 for the ones they were interested in !"! Met some dog lads who had mutual freinds , didn't take any dogs with us as it was far to hot and crowded. Talked to a woman who had a cracking looking Afghan X lurcher, really looked as if it could do the biz, (would like to see it on a hare, though), saw a few nice looking whippets and a nice blue merle lurcher. All in all, an excellent day out.






    this one s nice by mick cawston


    Mick Cawston is going to hate this, but do a google search "mick cawston" and all his pictures are available to download. with a decent printer the quality is pretty good.


  12. My dad had one about 40 year ago it was i bit larger than they are these days.

    he used it for bushing rabbit and rat it must have worked ok as dad would not keep a dog for long if it did not work to his expectations.

    I seem to remember the only thing he was'nt happy about was its dislike of being cold.

    I seem to remember it was stolen from the garden and my dad blamed travelers (pikeys) that had been on our estate the day before. Some ferrets went at the same time.


    I fancied one as a house pet but when I read up about them all the advice said they are difficult to house train because they hate the cold and would rather foul the house than go outside-so I gave them a bodyswerve.I had a whippet which had to be forced to go outside in cold weather and that was bad enough so they are not to be recommended unless you live somewhere warm. They might keep the mice down if you are prepared to live in a house stinking of dog pee.

    Hi Longdog, forgive the pun, but what a load of crap!!! The reason any breed of dog pisses or shits in the house is because the owner is to lazy to house train it. I've had dogs, including whippets, that would rather die than crap in the house, and as for whippets being forced to go outside in the cold, my old dog loved the snow, the deeper the better, easier to catch hares for him !!!


    Hi Chartpolski( how did you decide on that username?) I don't agree. Lots of smooth haired lurchers,greyhounds and whippets feel the cold-especially a cold wind.Where I live (in Scotland) it would be criminal not to have a coat on such a dog in the winter.

    Check out the breed info on the Iti greyhound-you will find that they are difficult to housetrain-particularly in our climate.

    Hi Longdog, I have told the tale a while back why I use the name "Chartpolski"; I met a guy in the U.S who had what I thought was a nice looking lurcher, he told me it was a Polish Sighthound, so I looked them up on the internet, and they seem to be cracking dogs! So I took the name!! Concerning where we live, I live on the borders, and I don't think Lurchers need a coat, but then again, I was at Corbridge County Fair and a bloke who had "shooting dogs" thought it hillarious that I had heated kennels; everyone to their own, I suppose.


  13. I've just had this feeling of de ja vu !!!! We had all this nonsense a while ago. The greyhound is the fastest dog on earth, end of !! Otherwise we would have, (you put the breed of dog in here), racing at Bell Vue!!!. Even Pennymeadow now seems to agree that the Greyhound is faster than the Whippet. Please don't go on about Saluki's over long distance or whippet's over short distance, the guy asks "what is the fastest dog"; in terms of M.P.H., (over any distance), it is the greyhound.


  14. I saw a pair of italian greyhounds running in a lure coursing meeting held by the Northwest Lure Coursing Club they were show bred i beleive also father & son they gave a very good account of themselves the owner also said the father worked rabbits well they were approx 13.5/14inch to the shoulder

    What the f**k is 13.5/14 inch ????, just joking, Pennymeadow, you obviously type like me!!


  15. My dad had one about 40 year ago it was i bit larger than they are these days.

    he used it for bushing rabbit and rat it must have worked ok as dad would not keep a dog for long if it did not work to his expectations.

    I seem to remember the only thing he was'nt happy about was its dislike of being cold.

    I seem to remember it was stolen from the garden and my dad blamed travelers (pikeys) that had been on our estate the day before. Some ferrets went at the same time.


    I fancied one as a house pet but when I read up about them all the advice said they are difficult to house train because they hate the cold and would rather foul the house than go outside-so I gave them a bodyswerve.I had a whippet which had to be forced to go outside in cold weather and that was bad enough so they are not to be recommended unless you live somewhere warm. They might keep the mice down if you are prepared to live in a house stinking of dog pee.

    Hi Longdog, forgive the pun, but what a load of crap!!! The reason any breed of dog pisses or shits in the house is because the owner is to lazy to house train it. I've had dogs, including whippets, that would rather die than crap in the house, and as for whippets being forced to go outside in the cold, my old dog loved the snow, the deeper the better, easier to catch hares for him !!!


  16. I owned a 20" lurcher that would smash any fox...it's not size that's the issue when you get to those sorts of heights. It's build, ability, desire and balls


    Well said :good: It's not the dog in the fight,it's the fight in the dog.

    terries have fox so why do people think a beddy x will not

    Why on earth do people think a Beddy X will not take fox ???? I know of Beddy X's that are complete allrounders, my own pup, which is out of a Beddy/Grey sire is mad for foxes. Surely it's what a dog was brought up to hunt that counts. She hasn't killed a fox yet, but flushes, chases and puts them to ground, time will tell, but I bet she will take them.


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