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Rickshaw swami

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Posts posted by Rickshaw swami

  1. I would like to tell the story of the two young brothers I posted earlier in the season.

    About 3 or 4 years ago I realized I was breeding myself in a corner.I called up a man I had dug with 10 years earlier.I knew he had terriers similar bred to mine.I asked him to keep me in mind if he had something  available. A couple months later he called me and asked if I wanted a niece to my old stud dog.This was an older tested bitch.I was thrilled.It was a 2000 mile round-trip journey to get her.No money was discussed.All the man asked me was to work the pups.I bred this bitch to produce these two young dogs.

    The little one has been used on coon in places where the digging is slow but he has done well.


    The bigger black one has been used for larger quarry and has shown well.



    The man who gifted me the bitch was named Mike.He passed away in April and didn't get to see these terriers work.Rest in peace Mike.You were a true dogman.I will never forget your kindness.






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  2. 4 minutes ago, Nicepix said:

    Where we live is towards the highest point in the region. Top of a hill between two sides of the same river valley as it curves around us. Yet we have two wells that never run dry. And the water comes out at 12C summer and winter so, in theory, we could tap into it and run it through a heat pump. The top of the hill is about 20 metres above us in a field. There is a well in that field that constantly overflows. I don't understand it. 

    That is very strange.I have been around alot of wells in my area.I have never seen a well on a hill overflow.Do you know the depths of these wells? 

    Our well was 310 ft deep.I doubt it would have ever overflowed lol.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Nicepix said:

    We have a choice. Turn the valves and we can have well water in the house system. I usually only have it to the outside taps though. I've washed the car and motorhome with well water today. 

    In the rented cottage we used to rent, the water came from a large tank fed by spring water. After heavy rain the tap water ran brown and we got shrimps in the bath. The kitchen tap had a filter fitted.

    I've always wanted to have both.The springs where I grew up came out of deep limestone caves and wasn't effected much by rain.We had to be conservative  with water through the summer months though.You didn't waste water.



  4. 24 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

    Indoor plumbing is getting a lot more popular now, some houses even have electricity ! ? !


    ? In Dixie the shithouse was  wood planks.So a brick shithouse meant you were rich. 

    I grew up with indoor plumbing but our water come from a well.I would love to go back and have a cold glass of well water.

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  5. I would like to start by saying I'm not a vet. I have had several dogs over the years to swallow things they shouldn't. From socks,ropes even gravel?.If you know that the dog has swallowed  something it shouldn't,take a syringe of hydrogen peroxide,(roughly3cc)shoot it down the dogs throat and walk him.He will puke it up within a minute or so.I have saved myself thousands in vet bills over the years.


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  6. 13 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

    Sell up but at $20 million. You might strike it rich

    Lol you could buy my entire county for 20 million.When I bought this place 13 years ago,I asked the realtor to find me a house and a piece of ground far enough in the country that I could run naked through my front yard.He found us that place.I assumed I would never be bothered again.I gave 140,000 for a new small brick home and five acres.Now days I wouldn't sell for less than a million.As the democrats get worse my land values increase.


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  7. 33 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

    This crazy bitch who got voted in on a 50 50 split Kamala Harris sealed the deal Newly confirmed US Attorney for Massachusetts Rachael Rollins , she is racist to the core with history of racist rants aside from being happy to let gun toting muggers burglars go free what a beaut she is one of joes finest and adored by all the squad  she be happy to let Jussie free and prosecute the police then abolish them 

    Anything north of Tennessee  is considered communist territory.Nothing they do surprises me.The decent white Yankees are flooding into my local area.I call em refugees.?

    Me and my wife have both been contacted this week with realtors trying to buy our house and 5 acres.My house isn't up for sale.When I say I'm not interested  Mr Carpetbagger,It cuts the conversation  short lol.

    IF there is any decent folks left in these big city shitholes they have my sympathy. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Countryman62 said:

    Sorry for going off piste a bit but I was talking to a mate about game cocks the other day after reading an earlier post of yours moocher, what he showed me was astounding and shocking at the same time, game cocks going at it in a foreign land, they had little curved knife blades attached to the bottom of their legs and were using them to fight to the death, one cock decapitated it’s opponent but the head didn’t separate from the body until the defeated cocks body hit the ground highlighting how sharp those weapons were that were being used, the term bird brain don’t apply to them game cocks, they were armed with deadly weapons and knew how to use them, another example of animals using tools, atb

    In Dixie gamecocks generally are heeled up with one of three types of blades.Gaff- which looks like a long needle.Short knife- as the name implies a short knife blade.These fights are shorter in duration than gaff.The third type is long knife.Long knife is over really quick and is based on gambling instead of gameness.

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