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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Sound mate good do on some real nice land ' dubious title by the way ??
  2. Hee hee knew you have to say summat ??
  3. Was hoping northern lite have summat to say but he ain't biting never mind
  4. Well mine do flips all the time don't think they mean to tho
  5. Was talking to a bloke today he said tumblers are very similar to bobcocks but more specialised is that reet
  6. I keep on thinking I see him run up to them shouting derrick when I get there it's just a Paul or a Stuart it's driving me mad
  7. I don't think you lads are taking this serious if I have another sleepless night
  8. While I still have breath in me I will find said derrick if it's the last thing I do
  9. Doesn't sound very promising does it has it ever caught owt
  10. What if derrick had his hair cut in the mean time, must admit I'm beginning to lose hope
  11. There's derrick of derrick and the dominoes think he was from stoke holding though
  12. Right stop arseing about lets have a concerted effort to find derrick
  13. Yes looks a bit frail but that's not gonna find derrick, I only know big Pete from Wolverhampton he's got a brace of anoraks
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