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About Sully1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Cork Ireland

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  1. He's a little shit, constantly finding trouble. He's a very bold pup, will even try fight my bull whippet out of his box hahah
  2. He's about 17 tts , hoping no more than 23 tts pal
  3. Very fond of the pup, plenty of brains and really bold.
  4. Some pictures from yesterday.. pups 12 weeks now
  5. my type of lurcher Cheers pal, getting nice and strong now
  6. dex is coming on a lot. He's very intelligent and constantly wants to please.
  7. I've a first cross bull whippet, perfect for what I do but it's nearly all fimpossible x. Would recommend a 3/4 whip 1/4 bull for yourself. Be plenty hard enough and will have plenty of brain aswell.
  8. Picture from today, nearly ready for the season.
  9. Cheers lads, looking forward to this season. Won't be long coming now.
  10. Cheers pal, the bull whippet will have a go at anything.
  11. Ace is now 16 months old, he's finished up at 21tts. Plenty of go on him and really outdone himself for his age last season. I really did have to hold him back. This is Dex, he's 10 weeks old. Mother is bull grey father full whippet.both well bred.
  12. Finally got the pictures to work, thanks lads ??
  13. He's 8 weeks here and there's the bull whip
  14. Any other way I can post them pal?
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