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These new flatties I'm using in my 45 are great. They should be, there that kind of pellet, just a paper puncher made for low FPE. So gave um a run out at 10.6 [with barra match] through my 98 this afternoon while it was still. Now I can't find a thing wrong with um accuracy wise at that higher FPS, first group of 5 shots was at my normal 28 paces, the second of 10 at 45 with literally no hold over at all. Love that clean punch they give.

But. What is it about simple, smooth flat heads that annoys me. I think Marko mentioned something about flat heads that puts me off. It has to be a confidence thing. I know they'll hit hard, and there light which suggests the rifle maybe around 11+ which could be perfect and they're  also only £6.99 at Wragby guns - which is cheap these days.

Anyone using flat heads on feather at the moment?







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I tried some Bisley Practice flats which were not very good and a pig to load in the mag as the head edge was a bit too sharp. I wonder if they would be any good in my FAC guns although I doubt I could get .25 flats, might be worth a scan on Uttings site after all it is worth a try on the rats.



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The meisterkugel (rws) are the "cheaper" version of rws top of the line R10 match pellets. If you examine the meisterkugel youll find a ridge lentghwise from the flat to the skirt. The R10 does not have that little ridge.

For hunting feathers with a matchrifle like a 300s or 60x (ssp) its hard to beat this pellet. However.... with matchrifle power (5.5 fpe or 7 joules) the pellet will not penetrate a crows breastplate. 

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