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thunderbolts 177 5gr :(

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well after buying them and asking what people thought of them they where right. i done a 10 shot group and they where all over the place my s410 didnt like them at all i didnt wana put a pic up because it will look like im a rubbish shot lol so i tried the aa field diablos strait after the grouping with the thunderbolts and this was the outcome, 10 pellets at 35 yards so i think il stick to these lol

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I have wondered if the thunder bolts are good at cleaning the barrel .By scraping the barrel smooth and leaving just enough lead in the barrel.you have gotten the same result as me after shooting the thunder bolts my next shots were very accurate with normal lead pellets.

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i used the thunderbolt when they first ever came out in .22 when .177 werent even made......they in my eyes will never work in .22 in the s410 as the mag hates them there to big for it [bANNED TEXT] cycle or feed into the breach smoothly without the risk of damaging the skirt of the pell.....


i have not however tried them in the s400 .177. though a good mate of myn texted me only 2 days ago to say they (in.177)run at 1050fps in his daystate ranger but only with the single shot tray. but has not tried them for accurecy yet.



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Very interesting apparently the speed of sounds is 1126ft per second at sea level, this means that your quary would only have around 0.012 seconds to hear the shot and move! I'm just thinking about the youtube vidoes showing the crows ducking the pellet etc.


Saying that my sums are probably completely wrong.... lol


Anyhow shame they aren't accurate! :(


ATB, Andy

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Actually, they are very accurate BUT, you do have to get the correct head size and you have to have a clean barrel. Shooting a group on a leaded bore will produce nothing at all in the way of a realistic group. Try shooting 100 through the barrel FIRST, then try them. You will get a completely different result.


That said, thye are NOT a hunting pellet. they have been designed for indoor shooting where there is no wind. 5g pellets are going to be very susceptible to wind, even the lightest huff will shift it, but on an indoor range (such as most shooting in Germany, for instance) where there is no wind to worry about, they are a good option for simply making a hole in a piece of paper to record the shot. This is where they are aimed at, to say they are a hunting pellet is completely wrong in my view, I know it says HUNTING on the box, but that is a marketing ploy. If you are in business you do whatever to sell your product, but misleading claims will backfire in thelong run.


The other aspect of them is their non-toxic make up. Believe it or not, like it or not, lead will be phased out. NOT because of the lead in the soil, but because of employment law for the people involved in making them. They will not be permitted to work in a leadedenvironment. SO, if you could develop a production line that meant pellets could be made without a single employee coming into contact with any lead at any stage, then you would be able to get round the lead legislation that is already going through the system. If this were not true, why would manufacturers like H&N be making such an effort to make non toxic pellets (their GREEN range) at much greater cost than lead. Thunderbolts are made of Zinc, about 10th of the price of Tin which the H&Ns are made of. Zinc is harder than Tin though, but deformation of the skirt is achieved through the special crimping/folding of the skirt.


So, before dismissing something out of hand, learn a bit more an dlook at the wider picture. As a hunting pellet it is useless, but it was never designed for that. A target card doesn't require any terminal ballistics beyond drilling a neat hole, in fact the neater the better and so a harder material is actually a benefit. Only beware ricochetes, the harder material means they don't deform on impact and will ricochet readily! In a range set up for their use with an angled deflection plate behind the targets, this isn't a problem.

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iv had 2 mates to try them aswell one in 22 and the other in 177, they both had the same big groupings that i had, if you all like any one who wants to pm me there address i will send a few of these pellets to them to see if they get any different out come, but personaly i would say they are a fac pellet.

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The Thunderbolt pellets work extremely well in unchoked barrels Acuspell talks a lot of sense about his observation of them. my mate has a shortened .22 AA classic barrel on his AA carbine and it knocks rabbits down easilly up to 40 yards away, interestingly he claims he only has to allow 1" holdover at rabbits at 50yards because of the very flat trajectory. I think they sound like hard work in a choked barrel dont think ide bother with them myself.

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