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What are the advantages of an FAC airrifle ?

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I'm thinking of converting my BSA Superten to FAC and was trying to weigh up the advantages.


OK so I know it gives you more range, but are there any other benefits over 35 yard ranges ?

- is it flatter arc ?

- is it quicker ? (I'm sure the rabbits are ducking!)


And has anyone got any experience of an FAC superten ?





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Wouldn't consider meself an expert,but from my own experience i would say the advantage's are,

Peace of mind, knowing that the gun will do the job.

Flatter arc,i don't think it extend's range,i just think you can sight the target much more quickly than with a sub 12ftlb gun.

As for an fac superten? never used one,but they are a decent enough tool at legal limit.If i was making a choice on fac performance rather than cost,i would go with a rapid,proven performer at fac level's.hth's,Bill

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Hi John, i am currently looking around for a fac air rifle to put on my ticket, the reason for this is that i do a lot of caravan parks, holiday villages etc etc, usually i would use the rimmy but understandably have to be carefull because of the high risk of ricochet and overly powerfull for close to mid range work, plus if as i intend to, i only get one chucking out about 36 -48 ft lbs in .22 i will be able to use a premium quality pellet which is only half the weight of a rimmy round and hopefully a lot less prone to ricochet.

At the moment the s410 is looking like the one for me, but am open to suggestions from anyone with first hand experience of fac rifles. :hmm:

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useing an fac falcon and cant fault it. flatter tragectory like you wouldnt believe, further range for sure, speed is a big factor and is very noticable and stopping power is spot on. Big problem is finding a pellet that suits the power, they dont act in anyway the same as a sub 12ftlb gun. even a pellet that the gun loves changes with the extra power. shots per charge changes as well but not that it is a big deal, more of a play off in requierments.

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shots per charge changes as well but not that it is a big deal, more of a play off in requierments.




That was part of the reason I thought the Super10 would be a good candidate because it has a buddy bottle so you can atleast swop them over in the field.




getting tempted now ............

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unlike the falcon the super ten is regulated to a higher degree, what i meen by that is it will be more consistant in its power on every shot compared to mine which can flutuate a little from shot to shot. not that it is that noticable when shooting only on the crono.

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MC, I was thinking of getting another rapid 7 as my sub fac is the dogs gonads, huge capacity but obviously at a price, the S410 is half the price, but shot to shot consistency on the rapid is spot on, does anyone have any knowledge of the air arms in fac. :hmm:

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MC, I was thinking of getting another rapid 7 as my sub fac is the dogs gonads, huge capacity but obviously at a price, the S410 is half the price, but shot to shot consistency on the rapid is spot on, does anyone have any knowledge of the air arms in fac. :hmm:


have a look at the air arms S410 Extra, http://www.air-arms.co.uk/S400S410.htm

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[Looked at one of these, but it is running at 28-30 ft lbs, which is ok, but would rather 36-40 ft lbs. :hmm:


Why go for such a high amount of power? im running at 22ftlbs and at a measured 65yrds it is pin point accurate and enough power to drop rabbits with no fear of injury at that range.

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MC, I was thinking of getting another rapid 7 as my sub fac is the dogs gonads, huge capacity but obviously at a price, the S410 is half the price, but shot to shot consistency on the rapid is spot on, does anyone have any knowledge of the air arms in fac. :hmm:


my dad had the 410 extra FAC and i have the rapid FAC..... 6 weeks after i got the rapid my dad sold his 410 extra for the theoben.


so both of use have the rapids and i really can't fault them. one of the best if not the best FAC pcp on the market

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