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most judges can pick the dog that will win the show if they have a look around before juding starts thats what they like there dog to look like its up to them they are the judge i know a lot of people who judge and you must pick the one that fits the stamp of the dog you are juding as long as it has the conformation to go with it atb hector

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Here we go again.Dident get a wee prize to take home.So the teddy gose out of the pram.Listen mate .Now dont you go telling anyone else this.You keep it to yourself.IT,S ALL FOR FUN YOU TWAT. We all l

Its only a bit of fun to make money for clubs & hunts and its the

judges preference.I have seen people fighting and arguing with judges because of a rosette


This is exactly why i stopped judging lurchers a few years back, seem's things don't change!



uve got to judge to a standard there seems to be any tom dick and harry judging now not people who hav been in the game years who breed a good strain ov dog who has plenty ov expeirance and nos wat there looking for

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Its only a bit of fun to make money for clubs & hunts and its the

judges preference.I have seen people fighting and arguing with judges because of a rosette


What a sensible post - putting it all into perspective!



As they say Judges decision is final you will never ever please everyone ,,

shows are ment to be a bit of fun get a good banter and meet up with like minded people,

I used to show for years cause not much else to do with the dogs in the summer months and the racing used to be fun to but you will always get arguements cause some people just like to argue.

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Knowing Derek Webster personally he is one of the best lurchermen about today!

And there is a lot of people on some of these forums would do well to take notice of him.


Regards FT

neva herd ov him mate wat strain ov dogs does he keep

I was asked to judge a show this year,.Because of comments like this i declined.But i honestly beleive that if a judge knows his stuff its his choice.After all is that not his job?Wether or not you have dealt or heard of him in the past does that make a difference.Each club must know or must have heard of the judge before they ask him or her to judge.Rant over,


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Its only a bit of fun to make money for clubs & hunts and its the

judges preference.I have seen people fighting and arguing with judges because of a rosette


This is exactly why i stopped judging lurchers a few years back, seem's things don't change!



uve got to judge to a standard there seems to be any tom dick and harry judging now not people who hav been in the game years who breed a good strain ov dog who has plenty ov expeirance and nos wat there looking for



What standard is that ?

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This post sounds as though its been started by someone who had dogs at Broughton, thought they were on a winner, but wasnt, and is choking on sour grapes :sick: :icon_redface:

Standards!!!! its not feckin crufts, you pay your pound and take your chance :D

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Its only a bit of fun to make money for clubs & hunts and its the

judges preference.I have seen people fighting and arguing with judges because of a rosette


This is exactly why i stopped judging lurchers a few years back, seem's things don't change!



uve got to judge to a standard there seems to be any tom dick and harry judging now not people who hav been in the game years who breed a good strain ov dog who has plenty ov expeirance and nos wat there looking for


Tom, Dick or Derek do you mean?


Cheeky twat, that bloke has forgotten more than most will ever know, he'd be my first call for any advice that's for sure.


I bet you didn't say it to his face did you??


Typical ............ run away quietly then come on here trying to mug the bloke off, shithouses trick that is lad.

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Guest warren

There are NO standards for lurchers, the judge picks what he likes, that is why he is there! When is some one (winners or not) going to go and thank the judge for turning, with out him or her there wouldnt be show!! We dont need to pull and tug a lutcher about to see if it is sound enough to win a show, it is what it says it is, A SHOW, nothing more nothing less, it should be a bit of fun or in some cases a lot of fun for the winners. Derek Webesters is a very good lurcher man by anyons stanards and his lurcher will prove that. Regards Warren

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derek is a genuine and nice guy . knows his stuff thats for sure . made us welsh lads so welcome on sunday aswell . and no i wasnt showing my dogs . as strong stuff said you wont go far wrong listening to people like derek . and well said warren . to many rossette hunters out there who throw thier toys out the pram if the dont get a shiny rossette . judges decision is final . after all its a fundraiser either for the hunts or some charity . i pay my pound knowing i got no chance , but who gives a toss . i dont .

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you can see why new people dont want to give judging a go when some people yell and scream at them when their in the ring just because they didnt pick what the owner thought they should my daughter had this happen to her last year by someone who went on to threten the person she put first instead of their dog for god sake its a bit of ribbon. just go and enjoy a day out with nice people and who cares if you win . :clapper:

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There are NO standards for lurchers, the judge picks what he likes, that is why he is there! When is some one (winners or not) going to go and thank the judge for turning, with out him or her there wouldnt be show!! We dont need to pull and tug a lutcher about to see if it is sound enough to win a show, it is what it says it is, A SHOW, nothing more nothing less, it should be a bit of fun or in some cases a lot of fun for the winners. Derek Webesters is a very good lurcher man by anyons stanards and his lurcher will prove that. Regards Warren

ov course there is u cant judge a dog just by the eye iv seen good judges that look over the dog properley and pick out the faults with the dog iv there is any.

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Its only a bit of fun to make money for clubs & hunts and its the

judges preference.I have seen people fighting and arguing with judges because of a rosette


This is exactly why i stopped judging lurchers a few years back, seem's things don't change!



uve got to judge to a standard there seems to be any tom dick and harry judging now not people who hav been in the game years who breed a good strain ov dog who has plenty ov expeirance and nos wat there looking for


Tom, Dick or Derek do you mean?


Cheeky twat, that bloke has forgotten more than most will ever know, he'd be my first call for any advice that's for sure.


I bet you didn't say it to his face did you??


Typical ............ run away quietly then come on here trying to mug the bloke off, shithouses trick that is lad.

derek the ferret man thought it was him all the fuss was about great bloke ss who would want to judge thankless task hat off to anybody that will do it. :notworthy:

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