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as everyone says ,there is danger from rats ,mink , stoats etc and a muzzle will leave the poor fred unable to deliver a self-defending nip. Doe rabbits ,especially late in the season, can get very aggressive and will choose to fight a ferret rather than bolt . A muzzle might stop a ferret killing down the hole but it won't neccessarily stop it from having a go and scrabbling at a rabbit in a dead -end or scratching at a nest of babies in frustration . That's assuming that the poor thing can concentrate on it's work whilst wearing the device . .

Also, as people are saying , make sure you have a well-fed ferret ,keep right back from the holes ,be quiet -good stockmanship and old -fashioned field-craft in other words . It'll win through every time !

I know that lots of writers denigrate old time ferreters , mention bizzare bits of equipment featured in antique catalogues and quote and re-quote the "factoids" of the bad old days by mentioning tooth -snapping and muzzles as if they were the norm but to be honest I'd bet that a lot more folk were actually very caring stockmen and skilled rabbiters than were the insensitive brutes beloved of the self -appointed progressive comentators of today .

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as everyone says ,there is danger from rats ,mink , stoats etc and a muzzle will leave the poor fred unable to deliver a self-defending nip. Doe rabbits ,especially late in the season, can get very aggressive and will choose to fight a ferret rather than bolt . A muzzle might stop a ferret killing down the hole but it won't neccessarily stop it from having a go and scrabbling at a rabbit in a dead -end or scratching at a nest of babies in frustration . That's assuming that the poor thing can concentrate on it's work whilst wearing the device . .

Also, as people are saying , make sure you have a well-fed ferret ,keep right back from the holes ,be quiet -good stockmanship and old -fashioned field-craft in other words . It'll win through every time !

I know that lots of writers denigrate old time ferreters , mention bizzare bits of equipment featured in antique catalogues and quote and re-quote the "factoids" of the bad old days by mentioning tooth -snapping and muzzles as if they were the norm but to be honest I'd bet that a lot more folk were actually very caring stockmen and skilled rabbiters than were the insensitive brutes beloved of the self -appointed progressive comentators of today .


I have a copy of a book publised in the 1800'ss the auther describes how brass rings were stitched on the top & bottom lips & then string was thread through each ring & tied , pretty barbarric even the auther said so

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