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working pure whippet pics

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hi im Tom, im new here and started rabbiting this season, so a true novise, i got a whippet 18months ago and have just got a second one on new years eve, they are cracking dogs when you have the groung to run them on. heres some pics for a few trips we have had this year,



latest outing


well this is the third time i have been to this farm as it new permission frist too time were hard and this time we had to proove our worth,

we were only going out for a quick look so we Took Dodger along to see his future job lol.


the first set is a 5 holer so onec netted up down when lilly and she had cornerd a rabbit, a 2.5 ft dig hard work top layer of clay then stoney check and i was a few inces off and still there, as i broke through they had gone lol so i covered with a net and left her to it, then she still hadnt shown so i located her and she was 3ft, i dug and with a ft to go she come out of a hole about a ft away all clawed up, she went straight back down and to the same place thank god lol, i broke through pulled her aout and pulled ou a nice healthy rabbit still alive, i dropped her back down and quickly a second bolted but got away :oldblackeye:


we then did a couple of other sets, the first one we got one and lost one through a bolt hole on the other side of a fence, and the second with 2, Dodger was being very good, and Tod had held one of the rabbits in the net which was look as the peg come out the groung, rach must have set that net lol.


we started to work a banking where i didnt even get one a couple of weeks ago, we we got two here and t babies about 4 weeks old we also mist one, Tod caugt both young rabbits, the total of today was 7 in 3hours so quite happy. the EOD shot only show sthe adults. enjoy


















a bit of rabbit damge




some excavation




Dodger looking after his rabbits lol :whistling2:




EOD shots






last week out with friends


Thomas came down again for a days ferreting again, we had a great day out just bolting them foe the whippets, just the odd purse net, we managed to get a few snap shots of the whippets on the rabbits,

when we first go to the land they where still abit of snow on the ground,and it was bloody freezing, but by dinner time the sun was on us,and melting most of the snow, just coming towards the end of the day, we did a little set near a little stream, and we managed to get a Rat lol, and also got the one rabbit out of it,i would'nt of thought that the rabbit would of been in there with the Rats, moved on to the next set and again no nets just bolting for the dog's, it was time for a dig only 3-4 ft, put my hand down got the rabbit, stuck the ferret back down the samem hole,and there is another rabbits,but it bolted out of the hole i just dug,whippets cought the one, we mist 4 to 5 rabbits all day,because they where to much going to cover, we also found a dead pheasant,whitch Tom was having for his tea tonight lol, :), then it was time for tyhe next

dig,5ft got the one out of that, so we got plenty of runs for the whippets witch was great, we also seen 5 Hare's,whitch where some of the biggest hares i have seen,couldnt beleave how big

they where. It was a cracking day out, and some great sport with the whippets,ending up with 1 Rat,1 Pheasant and 7 Rabbits, Cheers for coming down tom, enjoy the pic,Tom will add some more later.[/color]















well lads it really was a cracking day slow start but fantastic finish, nearly 2 rats in tthe bag but one was a bit quick lol, 1 real good pheasant, and some decent rabbits , the runs today were cracking and we both managed some bice pics, over the moon with Tod as he achived his first decent catch and a text book retriev then there were no stopping him, Finn really is coming on and hada good catch early on before we got any photos, and Bow was excellent as always, well heres my pics hope you all enjoy them.


first off all ferrets






all clawed up with rabbit fur the tell tale signs of a dig




no just various pics and some of Finn Second catch of the day
























now for Tods first reall decent catch with a cracking 200 yard retrieve to hand really am impressed and think he has gained so much coinfidenc and he will be a cracking dog next season to teach Dodger a trick or two lol












his retrieve live and kicking to hand






and the EODS




the rat that met the fait of the spade :whistling2:




and runningwhppet with tha bag and the 3 whippets




and the start of the season hare was shot and retrieved by Tod


well yesterday seen me on another cracking day out with Runningwhippets, I left my house at 7am to get to the lads house,

after a long jurney, got to the lads and we set out with 3 whiipets, 6 ferrets, couple of longnet and a few purse nets, when we got to the permission, there is a big set in brambles which is rabbit heaven, there must have been 20 rabbits sat out when we got there, we set the long nets up either side, and wacked in a few ferrets, the rabbits were bolting but never left the saftey of cover dispite the ferrets working well above and below ground.

once we got the ferrets out we moved on to another field where we seen a couple of rabbits sat out, the first one was inclose to the hedge so bow was slipped and sent down, that was nuber one in the bag, as we walked round back towards where we had seen the other rabbits all three dogs were loose and finn managed to pick that one up.

we moved to some new sets that havnt been ferretd before due to the amount of ground cover, but after a few frost the amount of warrens has become clear, we netted the first set up, and put in three ferrets, rabbits started to bolt and then one killed in so we had a dig, a nice little 4ft lol, that gave us 6 rabbits total in the bag.

we moved further up where we had anotrher 2 good warrens we netted up and entered the ferrets, rabbits bolted and the nubers were climbing, we were into double figurs with 10 in the bag, we had seen 2 foxes and a hare wich got up and sprinted the field when we were joined by a hunt.

the next set we did we set long nets up either side of the bank and rabbits where soon on the move but hole hopping, we let the ferrets kepp worrking and we soon had another five in the bag.

we dicided to do one last set whch was in a holy bush so agin we set the long nets up and entered to ferrets , this produded the final one for the day, this give us a good 16 rabbits, and had lost a few due to thick cover.


afters a re-fule and some rest for the dogs we took Tod and Bow out on the lamp, as the wind had been up with plenty of cloud perfect.


by the time we got to the permission there was no wind and no cloud but we gave it a try, Bow had a good run where on his way down the bean the rabbit disapered into the long grass at the hedge, as Bow got there the rabbit ran into the field and after a couple of turns it headed for us, Bow picked it up with a good strike about 5 yards from us, we mangaed to get Tod a run, but he was unluckey, we then got another run with both dogs and afters a tremeduse run it was caught.


heres some of the pics, the hare was shot and retrieved.
























my share of the bag



thanks for looking

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