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snares set right but not catching?

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hi, been going down setting snares in the evening, and checking the following morning, but not catching?


we did spot a grey fo near by the rabbit waren would this have anything to do with it?



we have tryed 3 diferent warens in the same area but nothing catching? we kno there is rabbits as we seen then from the other side of the beck/river and my lennox has caught a injured/sick young rabbit from that area


any ways of telling if there rabbits using it?



also found some big holes near by will that be the fo den?



cheers martin

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along the lines of this




There are some very good pinned articles on this forum, which tell you exactly how to set snares for rabbits.


It would be a good idea for a few people to take ten minutes to do a search, or even just have a read, before they ask questions......


Oh, and by the way, the way you have set those snares is very unlikely to work. Go and have a read............

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Easy fellas :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:


we all made mistakes and we all learn.


Its good advice though mate,read the articles and your catch rate will definitely improve,good luck with it,and post some pics when you do start catching :victory:

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cheers donk, yeah i read them last night im guessin im puttin the snare too low in the runs


Stop 'guessing' and start reading the pinned articles....


Looking at your diagram, it seems that you are setting your snares over the rabbit burrows - whatever idiot told you to do that needs to be ignored in future.


You might like to edit the thread title. Currently it reads: 'snares set right but not catching'. A more accurate title would be: 'Snares set wrong and not catching'......


You need to set your snares on runs. The most productive runs are those that go from the buries to the feeding areas. Fence snares are particularly productive. Read through the pinned articles, and also do a search in the main part of this forum for 'snares'. Spend a few hours reading up before you set any more.......

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Novalicious, get woodga's DVD its the best around.. This will help you out, also as mentioned take a look at the articles, even so, nothing can beat someone helping you along the way with any problems, just practical experience, look for signs that can sometimes be invisible to the untrained eye, like scratches, fur fleck, worn/padded ground, etc ... You can use peg snares in the wooded areas if you require... put some photo's up of your set snares and people will give advice on were your going wrong if needed..


Thing is no one knows everything, and only a fool would say they do..

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