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Am I going to freeze!

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Hi Guys


I am going out on my first ever stalk this weekend in Glen Lyon Perthshire and I'm getting slightly nervous about the weather :o


Beyond the obvious hat, gloves and coat is ther any kit I should be taking and am i mad for going or wet for worrying? :blink:

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Hi Guys


I am going out on my first ever stalk this weekend in Glen Lyon Perthshire and I'm getting slightly nervous about the weather :o


Beyond the obvious hat, gloves and coat is ther any kit I should be taking and am i mad for going or wet for worrying? :blink:


As you will be accompanyed by a professional stalker, I am sure he will make the right decisions as regards your safety.


Apart from what you have mentioned, I would suggest a thick scarf or balaclava. If you can get some of those disposable handwarmers that last about 6 hours they can keep the numbness away from your trigger finger etc. Wellie boots have their limitations (snow can get into them) so use boots with gaiters. Finally put some bars of chocolate in your coat - its surprising how tiring climbing about the hills can be.



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If its your first time mate i doubt you'll feel the cold for all the excitement. Having said that being prepared is a good idea as chances are with hill stalking you'll be a fair way from the car. Just be sensible and get the layers on you - Thermals / long-johns, fleece, decent jacket, gloves, some kind of warm hat that will hopefully protect your ears and some snacks. .Bog paper is a useful edition if you're caught short as well ;)


Don't forget your camers either, have a great time

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This it makes it all the more fun, extreme weather for extreme hunting, dont be soft, get your gear together and go and have a great time pal, you'll love it.



Thanks for the info, I'm dead excited. If it alll goes well I'll try and post some pictures next week.

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Hi whats the estate my mate is headkeeper/stalker out in glen lyon. I aint got down this year to the hinds but iv shot plenty before. Pending weather it could be cold but the excitment should keep it at bay but you get some cold days more with the wind chill factor. It's in a place like that you see the sense of say a swazi jacket/trousers/meindl boots etc. You should try doing the fox dens oot the highlands :icon_eek::censored:

Edited by v-max
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