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Most unusal bait

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  • 4 weeks later...

When i went bow fishing for carp, i took about five home to try and eat them..easily the WORST f*****g thing i have ever had...it makes me feel sick just thinking about it!..now i just boil them up and stick bits of it in the dog grub, or use them to bait coyotes into an area!...


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The perch see the shine of a hook and think it's a newly born fish (fry), and try to eat it. my dad caught a two pound perch on a unbaited size 14 hook on the river wharfe. iv even once caught one of the little beggers on sweetcorn when i was reeling in, they try to eat anything that moves :):good:


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Guest Fishaben


I was fly fishing with a friend and we thought we would try a different bait, so we put on the end of an ice cream cone and they were all fighting over it,lol. I have also been fly fishing and on the back cast ive hooked up a little flower and as soon as it hit the water I had a nice 3lb trout.


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Guest Fishaben

i had a 17lb common on grapes, one grape on the hair put in the margins.

i always seem to get a result on grapes


Hi drew,

I like the sound of the grape bait as I can see it catching, can I just ask was it a full grape or half and was it on a hair rig or plain hook??


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