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Just think how many members are there on here that never post about going out and doing a bit a lot more than 1% they might not all be anti's but its got me thinking


So because someone doesn't post about "going out" (hunting), does that mean there is something fishy going on?!


I rarely if ever post on here about what I have done.



Well why join a hunting site and just sit on the fence


Why? To "chat" with likeminded people, both about hunting and related subjects and equally about none hunting subjects.


Sitting on the fence is not my style. I am exceptionally vocal in my support for all field sports, and am indead a Mod on another forum specifically set up to encourage novices into field sports.


But as my agreeing with Chris' comments above suggest, it does not mean I think we need to do the work of thosse who are our detractors for them by posting rubbish. They are on here, they are, lets not make their lives any easier.


I am a member of three other related forums, two I am much more active on (one where I am a Mod as said above) and pictures and reports of my legal sport can be seen on them.


I personally would not be surprised if the "anti's" numbered up to 10%; thats not to say they are all members of LACS or the like; but increasingly on fora such as these there are members who take great pleasure in Trolling and detracting from the legal past times or work the genuine members do - for whatever the reason. All they have to do it sit and watch and soon enough there is enough fuel for them to have an argument against our way of life; and that fuel comes from the keyboards of hunters themselves.

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Any body on here could be an anti mate thats why we have to keep our witts about us theres always gona be a grasser lerking round the corner watching our posts cutting and paisting and we dont know who they are,iv had run ins with antis and they can be quite nastie when they get going(harry Cruishners) god dam hippys :victory:

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Any body on here could be an anti mate thats why we have to keep our witts about us theres always gona be a grasser lerking round the corner watching our posts cutting and paisting and we dont know who they are,iv had run ins with antis and they can be quite nastie when they get going(harry Cruishners) god dam hippys :victory:


Precisely. The sooner we all learn that and action on it the better.

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dont want to read iut all but boefor some says dont show pics of the illegal animals, f**k it it's a forum what else. im sure peopel get sick of seeing pictures of only rabbits. i dont but well you know what i mean? and also if i were you all id change my country status so thay cant pin you straight away ;)

That's the biggest problem right there. It's Only A Forum. :rolleyes:


There are consequences of posting illegal material. Especially in Britain and the US.


This guy sued Demon Internet for libel. They settled for for 250 grand. This guy sued for libel and won 3 million.


The point is that you are not anonymous and your actions/posts/pictures etc can be used against you in a court of law.


The more illegal shit posted, the more of a chance you have of being bitten by it.


Moderators try and remove the stuff. I say try because we're outnumbered. One moderator to over a thousand members. That means that shit slips through the net. By the time we're alerted to it, it's probably been cached by our opponents, but we remove it anyway. We don't remove stuff because we feel like it, we remove stuff because it's highly likely to damage the poster or hunting in general. We also remove stuff that is against the forum rules like text talk and bullshit threads full of bickering and arguing.


This site would be much safer if people didn't post the shit in the first place but people are still sending me PM's asking where their posts/pictures have gone despite numerous threads about the problems faced by hunting sites. :wallbash:



hi there, i dont no how many there is on the site but i bet there all over this site waiting to put some thing on us and getting hunting banned. so i think there should be no more descution on this

I completely disagree. Every member of this site should be aware of the consequences of their actions. Every hunting site devoted to UK hunting is monitored by our opponents. There are no safe zones. Even these so called secret invitation only sites are being monitored and if there isn't currently an anti/journalist/police officer inside taking notes, there soon will be because that's what they do.


These aren't stupid people. They take the time to get to know you and blend in. They say things that make them seem like they're one of us and they do it to earn your trust, so you will incriminate yourself. Then they start building a case against you. They deal with paedophiles and terrorists so your average 100%, real deal, dogman is a piece of piss. I mean they post this shit in public so we can only cringe at what gets passed through PM.


If this thread stops even one person from ending up in a police station, confronted by a dossier of posts and pictures, then it warrants far more discussion than it's getting.

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well here goes :icon_redface: i was an anti, born and brought up within a town, just loved those little fluffy red dogs :D however things changed, about 24 years ago i met this lad, and married him :D and guess what, he is a gamekeeper :) i have been re-educated, and now live within a house of 5 children (4 girls) who live and breath the land and hunt with the best of them, i have to say in the defense of the anti's (please don't shoot me down :blink: ) that i am sure that it is purely lack of understanding towards the sport, the people, and the animals. I have spent many hours having heated debates, but i am converted. it is just a pity that those who lack understanding don't spend some time out with the hunting fraternity, i am sure that many would realise the amount of good that is done.

sermon over thanks for listening :clapper:

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I completely disagree. Every member of this site should be aware of the consequences of their actions. Every hunting site devoted to UK hunting is monitored by our opponents. There are no safe zones. Even these so called secret invitation only sites are being monitored and if there isn't currently an anti/journalist/police officer inside taking notes, there soon will be because that's what they do.


These aren't stupid people. They take the time to get to know you and blend in. They say things that make them seem like they're one of us and they do it to earn your trust, so you will incriminate yourself. Then they start building a case against you. They deal with paedophiles and terrorists so your average 100%, real deal, dogman is a piece of piss. I mean they post this shit in public so we can only cringe at what gets passed through PM.


If this thread stops even one person from ending up in a police station, confronted by a dossier of posts and pictures, then it warrants far more discussion than it's getting.


Again, these are common sence words that need to be acted on by members.


Often times threads have resulted in discussions on this topic but rarely do posters/members take action or take on board what has been said; we see that till in the contents of some posts that still end up here.


This (or any other fora) is NOT JUST a forum. And unfortunatly our detractors are not all stupid dirty hippys.

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Chris and TSA make good points.


You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out who's taking the piss out of the law on here.


The least people could do is make them work for the info, but no. Let's just make it obvious.



'f**k the Ban', the equivalent of the onboard video camera at 140 on the motorway..... :laugh:

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'f**k the Ban', the equivalent of the onboard video camera at 140 on the motorway..... :laugh:


Spot on!


We all hate the ban, and it efects us all directly or indirecly; as do the other recent laws brought in which seem to us to opress the way of life we have. Be that the new proposed dogs act, duty on fuel, post office closures (likewise village schools), changes in public transports, game laws etc etc. It all feels like its set againsat us; but the attitude of f##k it, does not wash because those who see us as outdated, cruel, stupid (whatever) are able to take our words and use them against us.


Its wrong, its sad, but we have to wind our necks in and play the game.


Country folk are amongst the most honest law abiding and clean living yet we feel perseccuted (its a strong wrod!), lets not show our detractors we are not.


"Anti" has become a tearm we use for anyone we does not support our way of life. Be they the police, RSPCA/RSPB, blood sport campeigners, people who support the docking ban and more; we need to how and educate these people that what we do has a place and a purpose, and the f##k 'em attitude will only serve to make it worse.

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