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COMMANDO CHALLENGE, pics and stuff

Guest foxyjo.

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Guest foxyjo.

I didn't know the other thread was doomed for the bin, so it happened before I'd contacted all who said they would sponsor... :wallbash:

If you were kind enough to say in the original, unedited version of, "I've done it...", that you would send money for the Help for Heroes fund, please would you add your name here or contact me via PM. Thank you so much. :notworthy:


Daniel is flying through the air as I write this, (in a a plane this time :whistling: ) on his way back to the UK, and after being cleaned up and settled in, is due for his operation tonight or tomorrow. It is his foot/lower leg which has been damaged, but more than that we don't know. Fortunately, he still has one, so everything from now on in, is a bonus.


For anybody who missed the topic posted on saturday night, I was running the Commando Challenge to raise money for the Help for Heroes fund, when my mother had the news that my brother had been injured, serving with the Royal Marines in Afghan. I thought she had gone quite mad when my youngest brother and I crossed the finishing line to see her erupt into sobs. This was taking motherly pride a little too far... but no, tis only Dan, stealing the lime light again!! :laugh::laugh:


Anyway, he's in one peice, if a battered peice, thank god. We were told that we were the lucky ones, and since then heard that some of the other lads have not done as well as Daniel, which is very grounding...


On a happier note, the commando challenge was great, and our team raised over £1,000 for The Help for Heroes, with offers of more still coming, so thank you, so very, very much. I know how much it will be appreciated and what a difference it makes.


Here are some photos to prove that we did it. As a team we decided we wanted to do the "proper" stuff, so where you see two options, we went for the harder, eg, smaller tunnel.





The worst part was a tunnel called "the smartie tube". It had nothing to do with chocolate, and everything to do with a very long, narrow, dark tunnel, half filled with water. At one point, a member of our team started to get a little high pitched in voice and the rising panic was getting obvious...not good, as it was me between her and the way back out. :icon_eek: but she made it, :yes: the whole way through!! With a mixture of blatent lying to her, (it's not far now), singing very loudly, and telling her to hurry the fu@k up as the water's cold and some lad's behind us are in a hurry. For George and I, who have been brought up on a diet of the military, "mind over matter/get on with it with no whining" approach, (our Dad!!) and been grubbing round outside, it is one thing, (still bloody horrible!!), but for a girl who is not the outdoor type, has never done anything like this, or anything remotely physical except the odd jog round Poole Park, it is a BIG DEAL, :notworthy: and her sense of achievement at the finish was fantastic...as was my own!! I have to say, I don't suffer with clautrophobia, but that tunnel was a mind***k, and there was absolutely nothing pleasant about it at all. :thumbdown:


After that, everything else was a blast! I know the underwater tunnel, (where you are completely submerged and shoved from one end by a bootie and yanked out at the other) casued a few worried faces, but water never bothers me too much so it was a breeze in comparison to the smartie tube!! I wear contact lens hence the frantic eye wiping in the pic! Also the bootneck who grabbed me, missed my hands and got my top instead which he pulled so hard it nearly came off!!



The Team!



And my medal to say I completed it.



To sum it up, it was great fun and we'll definitley do it again next year.


Thank you so much for all your sponsorship, and also for all the kind messages and good wishes for my brother. As I said before, some of them have been so moving, I've read them down the phone to my Mum. It meant an awful lot that you took the time and trouble to write, when you don't know my brother and never will. It was hugely appreciated.x

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i said id sponsor you :thumbs:

my brother goes to basra early next year i think and i can only imagine what you are going through at the moment. I dont know your brother and never will but im so proud of him, just as i am my own and all the servicemen and women who put their lives on the line daily in foreign lands, may god be with them all and bring them home safe x

Mrs L n L :kiss:

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well done mate, good for you! tough challenge did you get to do the tarzan course?? my old staff seargent popped his bollocks fallin off the rope crawl i think it was... and told us just as we were about to do the course!!!

cold, wet, knackered, hurting, starvin hungry but happy as larry when you get through eh?!

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Guest foxyjo.
i said id sponsor you :thumbs:

my brother goes to basra early next year i think and i can only imagine what you are going through at the moment. I dont know your brother and never will but im so proud of him, just as i am my own and all the servicemen and women who put their lives on the line daily in foreign lands, may god be with them all and bring them home safe x

Mrs L n L :kiss:


Mrs LnL, thank you so much.

They are all heroes aren't they? The ones who've done their bit and the ones doing it now.

I don't think any of us civillians really understand what it must be like...

All the very, very best for your brother. :friends: hug for you, from another sister of a soldier! I try to remember that they are professionals, in the company of professionals, and it's what they are trained to do. It's a bit of a comfort. Although the relief of their safe return is always overwhelming. Brothers eh....such a worry! x



Lampinglurcher - :laugh: you made me laugh out loud! :thumbs:

No, not the tarzan. It's the one on Woodbury Common. My upper body strength wouldn't be enough for the Tarzan!!! :icon_redface: This one was alot of water, alot of crawling through mud, and alot of tunnels!!! Fortunately it was a really sunny day, but we had to wait for the 4 tonners to take us back down to Bicton Arena, and I started to freeze!! But like you said, happy as!!! :D


JoeD - thank you. :icon_redface: you're very kind.

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C'Mon lads and lasses, if you said you would sponser the commando challenge send in your donations...


Fraggle, SA1Gunner said they would sponser the challenge as did labsnlurchers who has replied n the thread already.

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foxyjo, just had a phone call from my bro, he's going to basra early and wont be here for christmas? just wondering if you know what this means....does it mean things have got worse out there and they need more troops? Quite worried about it and gutted, this will be the first christmas we havent all been together, dont quite know how to tell my boy his uncle wont be here for crimbo? Any advise for me from you or for him from your bro?

thanks Mrs L n L x

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Guest foxyjo.
foxyjo, just had a phone call from my bro, he's going to basra early and wont be here for christmas? just wondering if you know what this means....does it mean things have got worse out there and they need more troops? Quite worried about it and gutted, this will be the first christmas we havent all been together, dont quite know how to tell my boy his uncle wont be here for crimbo? Any advise for me from you or for him from your bro?

thanks Mrs L n L x


Who does he serve with Mrs LnL? Marines, Army? It doesn't necessarily mean something bad, as far as I know Basra is a lot more stable than it was before. I have a couple of good buddies who I can ask, one is a Major in the Marines and the other a Major in the Army, one of them will know how things are, and I'll find out and PM you.

Dan did his bit in Basra about 3 or 4 years ago now, and it was ok. They were next to the yanks so had lots of perks like internet, KFC, and little extras that make it more pleasant! He is due home shortly, and I will have a chat to him about it when he's perked up, and let you know anything that might be of interest.

It's horrid not having them there for things like birthdays and Christmas, there's a noticeable gap... And of course everybody keeps wondering what they're up to and how their day has been, and hoping they are comfortable and safe. All the women in my family end up all weepy at some point!! :icon_redface: and yours will be the same I'm sure. Is this his first deployment? The first is the worst cos you don't know what to expect for them, or yourself.

On the up side, you can send as many letters and cards as you like FREE!!! Poor Dan...he's got so many flapping women round him, we reckon they end up delievering his by the barrow load!! And you can send parcels, filled with silly things he might be missing. Ask him to get you a bundle of blueys before he goes. I will say buying my weekly copy of Nuts magazine has raised a few eyebrows in the local Tescos!!!! :laugh: And things like, nice teabags, and some home made cake, just silly things that the forces can't give them. I don't know what difference it makes to them, but it sure as hell makes you feel better!!!

With regard to your little lad, they just accept it, much more easily than you expect. Uncle LnL is away being important and brave with his friends and having the most wonderful adventure, and when he comes home, you can have ANOTHER little Christmas for him!! All good positive things. That's what I do anyway. Foxcub is older this time round and asked alot more questions and I know he was a bit more worried, than he has been before. He picks things up from the news etc. I just explain, it's what Dan has chosen to do. That he is with other men the same, that they look out for each other like no other friends in the world will, and for Daniel, although it must be at times unpleasant, it is also the greatest adventure. That it is exactly THIS that he has been training for for so long, and that THEY (whoever your brother serves with) are the best. Just try to spin the positives.

That's what I do for myself too. Personally, I don't watch the news when he's away, not purposefully. But my mother is glued to it. Each to their own. And you will find your own way. Your brother will be excited about it, and you and the family will be left with all the worry!!! :laugh: It's the same as anything, riding a tricky horse, or travelling, you don't worry for yourself, but you do when it's somebody you love, and in that way I think it's sometimes harder for the ones at home, not knowing.

I will talk to Dan, and the lads I mentioned, and see if anybody has anything that might be relevant. Try not to worry yourself, and I'll get back to you soon.x


PS there are ALOT of servicemen on here who may have some advice for you and your brother...

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Guest foxyjo.

No Will... shock horror!!! :laugh: The combats in the pics aren't army surplus, they are my mooching pair! I wore them cos they're a bit too light so I wanted to rough them off a bit!! I think I actually killed them off!! I must get your parcel off... :doh: pester me Will!!! :yes:

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my kids mailed out video games (like playstation or whatever is fecking cool right now) a couple of days before we left so they got them about a week or so after we got there. things are steadily getting more & more civilized, it's hard anymore to say what they're going to need.

magazines loaded w/ naked girls & movies of that nature for the kids that aren't especially religious (that can't be spelled right). and if there's americans around he might need prophylactics as our slutty girls will do him for his accent.

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