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alcohol problems

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I recently read Clarissa Dickson Wrights book (spilling the beans) she is an alcoholic (hasnt had a drink for many years) and writes about her drying out period. Also she writes about hunting etc so its an enjoyable country read. It talks about addiction in some detail so would suggest you have a look. Secondly if aggression is a problem why not find an outlet? I was hitting the bottle a little bit too hard about 5 years ago, knew i had to do something, so i went back to play rugby after 2 years out of the game. It was a good move i lost 2 stone in weight, found sobriety had its strong points, learnt to sleep properly again, however i still visited the pub, but drank considerably less, and far less often, it was a very good move. Within weeks i was back in control. Work improved dramatically, life in general improved dramatically, and I met a new girl who went on to be my wife (i am now married with kids and happy). I still drink, and wont lie that i love my Friday night G&T's but a few drinks on a Friday night is a far cry from the numerous pints per night that i was consmming. Also if given the choice of a few drinks, or a day out with my family its the day out that wins every time.

Hope this helps.



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i rarely have a drink but after reading that i might have one,i think im lucky, i dont have an addictive personality,only hunting maybe,if you want to stop drinking or whatever it is you are addicted to then STOP!!!

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i rarely have a drink but after reading that i might have one,i think im lucky, i dont have an addictive personality,only hunting maybe,if you want to stop drinking or whatever it is you are addicted to then STOP!!!
ooty if only it was that easy there would be no alcoholics in the world ,its not only an addiction its a disease.When you wake up in the morning shaking out in need of a drink ,when nothing else matters only where you get your next drink ,hiding cans under your bed so you can tell the missus your goin to bed so you can sneak another few in.
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well im on my 9th night of no alcohol :D


I do admit i missed my friday & saturday night drink. But i went for a steak with friends on friday, and lamping on saturday, to stop me "missing it" so much.

well done i say i wrote a post on this last week for you i hope it was of use to you ,keep it up you wont know yourself

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fair play to ya fella,get ya dog out and stop bleating,come for a hunt round my way mate,i dont bother with the grog to much.makes me feel shit and act a twat,must be a bit of a shit haveing a favrot wisky thred on the same page? :rofl: seriously come my way for a hunt,i cant stand pissed people less i am,so theres no chance of drinking here bud, ;)

Edited by ooty
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cheers scent.... there was so many posts, too many to give an individual reply, cheers RH ;)

hey anytime im only a pm away you should be proud dont make a long term goal for yourself just take every day as it comes

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Guest friedrice
Okay, so my g/f currently has a problem, on a few of her walls :whistling::boxing:


Thankfully she hasnt noticed the latest one, how i dont know.....i for one believe it is caused by my alcohol fuelled rants.




Im a cider drinker, and lately when i have been on the stuff, i have been very moody & aggressive. Although i have never lashed out on another human being. Its mainly, lamp-posts, hedges, walls, etc....... I dont fear that i will lash out at someone else, let along my "women". Im simply just not a women beater. But my subject here, is how do you kick a habit?


I used to drink most nights of the week, until i had an "accident" with a lampost. And spent the night in A+E with a nasty foot. And truth be told, i scared myself with my own pain thres-hold, knwoing the lampost would never drop for me, i STILL let loose on it :icon_eek: until i couldnt kick any harder. And when a bloke in a car (whom i know) asked me where i wanted to go, i simply replied "somewhere peaceful"


After that incident i curbed the drinking, till weekends.... But now im slipping a bit. im putting it down to boredom (its not an "excuse") with the quiet, still & moonlit nights.I've drank 5 nights out of 7 in the last, well, 7 days. I've had a lot going on in the family, which i think plays a part in my drinking, but is not an excuse, as only i can make choices for myself.


and yes, as im typing, i have had a few cans


Soooo, anyway..... Does anybody have any advice on "kicking the habit" (except for the obvious, use your will-power etc....)


advice & constructive critisism welcome ) :D

welcome to the club :( it starts off with a few ,then a few more and then after years its got you.(SHIT HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF THIS MESS) :no:

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well i lived with a twat that drank every day and night took loads of beatings and last go of he nearly killed me through drink it took me 13 yrs to get out as i was shit scared but now my live goes on but i suffer very bad flash backs of wat happens so all i can say mate seek help before to late all the best mlb

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