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Never fall asleep

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We have all fallen victim to the dreaded drunken sleep when mates are around.


One time we were staying over night in a hotel on a pike angling trip, bout fifteen of us. One of the lads got so pissed we had to haul him to bed, first mistake, never get so drunk that your mates have to put you to bed, disaster zone.


Anyway we were think on how best to fook him over, shaved head maybe, then one of the lads remembered he had a Wispa bar in his fishing bag. Now if you know this chocolate bar, they are so soft they almost melt in your hand as your eating them, so…….


If was decided to insert the bar between the cheeks of his ass and let his sleep through the night.


Next morning his face was a picture, fook me never laughed so much.


What the best scam ya pulled on your drunken mates.


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we waxed this lads eye brows at a birthday sleep over. then put crisps all over him and cups in his ears and a mop on his head and took loads of photos. in the morning i put tikka massala curry in his shoes and when he went to go home he squelched all his foot in it... i was bad laughing haha

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We have all fallen victim to the dreaded drunken sleep when mates are around.


One time we were staying over night in a hotel on a pike angling trip, bout fifteen of us. One of the lads got so pissed we had to haul him to bed, first mistake, never get so drunk that your mates have to put you to bed, disaster zone.


Anyway we were think on how best to fook him over, shaved head maybe, then one of the lads remembered he had a Wispa bar in his fishing bag. Now if you know this chocolate bar, they are so soft they almost melt in your hand as your eating them, so…….


If was decided to insert the bar between the cheeks of his ass and let his sleep through the night.


Next morning his face was a picture, fook me never laughed so much.


What the best scam ya pulled on your drunken mates.


:laugh::laugh: That chocholate bar reminds me of the George Michael song "careless Wispa" :icon_eek:





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the best one ive done was on a rugby tour last year my mate got absouluty ratted so we shaved his head ill get some pics up hahaha, but then we waked a waxing strip on his eyebrows and didnt tell him he woke up in the morning pulled it of eyebrows aswell hahahahaha good old days

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If you want to booby-trap the crapper, take the cardboard tube from the loo roll, seal up one end and fill carefully with crap, then place this carefully facing forward between the seat and the rim of the loo.

Next person who comes in for a dump sits on the seat and deposits the turd neatly into their underpants!! :icon_eek:

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