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You all know me. You know what I do for a living. I'll catch this bird for ya but it ain't going to be easy. Bad fish. It's not like going down to the pond chasing bluegills or tommy cods. This shark. Swallow you whole. Little shaking. Little tenderizing, down you go. Now we gotta do it quick. That will bring back all the tourists and put all your businesses on a paying basis. But it's not going to be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks chief. I'll find him for 3 but I'll catch him and kill him for 10. Now you gotta make up your minds. You want to stay alive anti up. Want to play it cheap. Be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers I don't want no mates, there's too many captains on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head. The tail. The whole damn thing. Mr Mayer. Chief. Ladies and gentlemen.



Ps,we ARE going to need a bigger boat! :icon_eek:

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Quint was one of my Heros when I was a kid,I have the script for jaws printed off and bound,its up in the loft,I still flick through it when I am feeling melancholic,nothing quite like licking sea-salt off your lips :victory: Come on Chief, this isn't no boy scout picnic :victory:

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Guest bullyboy1976

roy schnieder got pissed off at that roll as when he ever went near the beach and what not some header always shouted "shark..shark" to him..lmao ...he soon got sick of it....im sure he heard those words in his sleep...great film tho....

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I wouldnt be able to help myself mate if I ever saw the "Chief" near a beach.I once met the original "Milky bar kid" and asked him to say "The milky bars are on me" :clapper: He said "Look mate,I am 42 f***ing years of age,I dont fu***ing say that anymore" :icon_eek:

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LOL at Mackem. Anyone remeber a kids tv programme called Palace hill, all the kids were like members of the royal family???? After the show Nick Knuckle (a character in the show) worked behind the bar in a Nottingham pub opposite the Theatre Royal and every friday a group of us were slighlty tipsy and used to go in and do sketches from the show, were thought we were funny but Nick thought otherwise and eventually ledft the bar when we stumbled in.............

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