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When I was younger and I had my first lurcher I had him retrieving rabbits to me not to hand but to my feet alive. Now as he got older I fed him on dry complete mix then mince meat cooked and dog cereal. I met a guy who told me to feed the dog the meat raw! What a massive mistake it cost me! After feeding him the raw meat we was out lamping and my mate shot a hare with a 2.2 rim fire, the hare still ran so I slipped the dog on him. He started to fetch the hare back to me and then he stopped dead in his tracks started licking the hare where it was shot, I walked up towards him and he ran off with it and started eating it! Every single rabbit after this incident he caught he would rip it up and try eating it and never fetch them back to me! This totally f***** my dog up as more people was telling me that the dog is hunting for food and I must admit it did make the dog more keener for obvious reasons!


Now i'm not saying that this will happen to your dog or anybody else's but I think this happened to me because I started feeding him on raw meat when he was about 2 and half years old. Now perhaps because your feeding it from a pup it might not know the difference! And perhaps there is more people on here who do feed their dogs raw meat and have had no problems! Its just down to choice.

ive never cooked meat for dogs in 30 years of feeding always raw and nothing but good conditioned dogs, this story of the dog licking the hare ran of ,and started eating eat is a dog issue ,and not a feeding issue . :thumbs:

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it is an urban myth that has been doing the rounds for years and needs to be nipped in the bud before any more young gullable lads believe the nonsence and stop feeding their dogs on a perfectly natural and nutritiouse meal .......


STEVEBENO i say it as it is i dont fluff things up i call a spade a spade and they way people get the message .......


WHITEYrs4 i have forgotten more about nutrition and hunting than you will ever learn so climb down of your high horse and try and learn something ...........



SOCK You are not making much sense now! Its you who needs to get off your high horse not me. Theres people like you on this forum who stop people from wanting to reply to posts on the forum! If you look back at what I said you will see that I mentioned I only started feeding my dog on raw meat when he was 2 and half years old! I wasnt just mince it was kidney liver and heart out of all variety of animals. Now if I fed my dog raw meat from the beginning (as I said in my previous post) it might have never even have happened! You'll be telling people on here next that dogs don't eat cows shit! I fed my dog frozen pizza and now since this he is chasing frozen iceland vans SOCK now thats a joke! :tongue2:


it doesnt matter how old the dog was when you started feeding it raw or what type of meat you gave it none of that would make a dog suddenly start running off with game FACT ......


by the way where are you from in wales ?...........

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All you lot who are having thier digs go back and read my post what I put properly! I didnt say fact that it was because my dog was eating raw meat this is what I put {{{As more people was telling me that the dog is hunting for food}}} And I also put this on here too {{And perhaps there is more people on here who do feed their dogs raw meat and have had no problems!}}

So you see I didnt say that my dog was hunting for food but people were suggesting it to me! Even though it did seem to make my dog keener! And I have not said on here not to feed them raw meat! Come back to where somebody pointed out its a dog issue everybody who has had a little dig at me tell me what the issue was with the dog doing this then if it wasnt down to meat? Seems as you know everything about dogs!

socks Im from Brecon?

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socks is trying to educate you about the best way to feed a dog and not to give the poor dog shit complete biscuit


My dog is under a pet nutritionist from trophy pet foods and he is registered as Ryfud his reg number is 117 if you would like to check it up!

Educate me get a grip son PALLY! PALLY! :feck:

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And,they don't eat what they catch either!As Socks says it is a dog/owner issue and nothing to do with the diet..............Martin.



Have you got 100% proof that this is a fact? Can you show us all on the forum that fact? Im waiting!! :hmm:

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socks is trying to educate you about the best way to feed a dog and not to give the poor dog shit complete biscuit


My dog is under a pet nutritionist from trophy pet foods and he is registered as Ryfud his reg number is 117 if you would like to check it up!

Educate me get a grip son PALLY! PALLY! :feck:


says it al .... you crack on with your ''expert'' from the death in a sack company ..........

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Socks might correct me here, but I'm under the impression that raw digests at a different rate to cooked, and so I never feed the two together. When I do occasionally feed complete (a working dog meat mix) I leave 12 hours between that meal and the next raw one to avoid too much wind and discomfort to the dogs. I keep a sack of Pettits handy for days when I forget to thaw something, or run out of raw :icon_redface: , and I also use handfulls of it as training tidbits.


When I switched mine to raw I just did it straight up and none of my dogs were bothered by it. In fact the benefits were almost immediately apparent. With a younger dog I'd be inclined to do one meal raw, one meal of the complete, for a few days and then just cut out the complete all together.

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Socks might correct me here, but I'm under the impression that raw digests at a different rate to cooked, and so I never feed the two together. When I do occasionally feed complete (a working dog meat mix) I leave 12 hours between that meal and the next raw one to avoid too much wind and discomfort to the dogs. I keep a sack of Pettits handy for days when I forget to thaw something, or run out of raw :icon_redface: , and I also use handfulls of it as training tidbits.


When I switched mine to raw I just did it straight up and none of my dogs were bothered by it. In fact the benefits were almost immediately apparent. With a younger dog I'd be inclined to do one meal raw, one meal of the complete, for a few days and then just cut out the complete all together.


yep you are spot on ... the simple explination is as follows ..... complete meal and meat whether cooked or raw digests in the gut at different times thus making the dog work twice as hard to absoarb any goodness from the meal as the body is sending extra blood to help break down the food rather than sending what it has allready broken down from the meat around the body .... and there is the risk of gastric torsion ..... however i suppose whiteys ''expert'' will have explained all this to him ...........

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socks is trying to educate you about the best way to feed a dog and not to give the poor dog shit complete biscuit


My dog is under a pet nutritionist from trophy pet foods and he is registered as Ryfud his reg number is 117 if you would like to check it up!

Educate me get a grip son PALLY! PALLY! :feck:


says it al .... you crack on with your ''expert'' from the death in a sack company ..........



say it all ? ha ha yes it does

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:gunsmilie: I have had dogs all my days and have fed raw meat for years and it has my dogs looking brilliant but this does not mean my way is the right way its whatever works for the individual and their respective dogs so i dont see why everyone is arguing because at the end of the day we are all different and so are our dogs so one owners meat COULD be anothers poison
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raw mate get mine from the butchers economy human grade mince mixed with dry food( biscuits ) they love it and work well on it pet mince is nearly all fat ... mix a few veg in now and again and i never run em after feeing ....

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