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How far do you walk a Pup

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Hello All


My dog is very soon going to be going out for walks.


Can I ask what kind of distance is reasonable for a 14 week Lurcher?


Please bear in mind he is having run-outs in a paddock each day and he is playing about with my Terrier.







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Thing is Bird I want to get him socialised with other dogs and get him used to different sounds and situations.


I read on here about a guy who pounded his Pup for miles and was probably doing more damage than good. I want to avoid this.


Maybe at 14 weeks he is still too young.


Thanks for replying though.




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Its a pup , it does not need any thing, just let it play in the garden.





Oh great... I have got one.


Below is a post by billyb


"how much water shud abitch be drinken with 4 pups pullen at her??????????? pups look very well but i am anovice"



Now I know why your finger got stuck on the Smiley button.





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I take mine out as soon as possible: after their first jabs, (bearing in mind I don't live in a high risk Parvo or Distemper area) After all, the other dogs are bringing back bugs and germs on their feet and into my yard every time they go out and the pups aren't separated from them.


I'll take a 14 week old pup out for about half an hour at a time, though this isn't a forced march, more of a gentle stroll where the pup has time to sniff about, look around it and get used to everything, be it in village or field.


If they don't get used to the big wide world from as early as possible then they'll always be scared of anything new. I carry 8 week old pups down to the bottom of my lane to watch the traffic go by, sit there for a bit, then come home. A week later the pup is doing this on the lead: 5 minutes down to the end of the lane, 5 minutes sitting and watching and hopefully meeting people and nice dogs, then 5 minutes home again: all very gentle, no hurry. Let the pup pick the pace: and LET IT STOP TO SNIFF AROUND. Don't drag it: plenty of time to get the lead training proper begin once the pup knows the area.

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I used to put my first lurcher in the nappy bag on the back of the pram - before he'd had his jabs - so he could get out and about with all of us. As soon as they've had their jabs, nice gentle walks, lots of sniffing, meeting nice dogs and people, exposure to traffic and other noises ..... very important to building a steady character. If you're turning the pup out to play and run with your own dogs on the paddock, then the walking bit is more for socialisation and experience than exercise.


My pup is 5 1/2 months old now, very very steady on lead and easy to handle. She doesn't spook or leap around like an eejit. On days when road walking is all she's going to get, she can go at a good steady pace for a couple of miles with no problems.


Good luck - get some pics up for us :victory:

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Thing is Bird I want to get him socialised with other dogs and get him used to different sounds and situations.


I read on here about a guy who pounded his Pup for miles and was probably doing more damage than good. I want to avoid this.


Maybe at 14 weeks he is still too young.


Thanks for replying though.




my ones the same age just half hour a day hows yours bred

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I take mine out as soon as possible: after their first jabs, (bearing in mind I don't live in a high risk Parvo or Distemper area) After all, the other dogs are bringing back bugs and germs on their feet and into my yard every time they go out and the pups aren't separated from them.


I'll take a 14 week old pup out for about half an hour at a time, though this isn't a forced march, more of a gentle stroll where the pup has time to sniff about, look around it and get used to everything, be it in village or field.


If they don't get used to the big wide world from as early as possible then they'll always be scared of anything new. I carry 8 week old pups down to the bottom of my lane to watch the traffic go by, sit there for a bit, then come home. A week later the pup is doing this on the lead: 5 minutes down to the end of the lane, 5 minutes sitting and watching and hopefully meeting people and nice dogs, then 5 minutes home again: all very gentle, no hurry. Let the pup pick the pace: and LET IT STOP TO SNIFF AROUND. Don't drag it: plenty of time to get the lead training proper begin once the pup knows the area.

There speaks the voice of experience.

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I take mine out as soon as possible: after their first jabs, (bearing in mind I don't live in a high risk Parvo or Distemper area) After all, the other dogs are bringing back bugs and germs on their feet and into my yard every time they go out and the pups aren't separated from them.


I'll take a 14 week old pup out for about half an hour at a time, though this isn't a forced march, more of a gentle stroll where the pup has time to sniff about, look around it and get used to everything, be it in village or field.


If they don't get used to the big wide world from as early as possible then they'll always be scared of anything new. I carry 8 week old pups down to the bottom of my lane to watch the traffic go by, sit there for a bit, then come home. A week later the pup is doing this on the lead: 5 minutes down to the end of the lane, 5 minutes sitting and watching and hopefully meeting people and nice dogs, then 5 minutes home again: all very gentle, no hurry. Let the pup pick the pace: and LET IT STOP TO SNIFF AROUND. Don't drag it: plenty of time to get the lead training proper begin once the pup knows the area.

There speaks the voice of experience.

everything you need to no is in this post by inan :clapper:
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