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Hugget belita mini or swift stumpy

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Hi everyone just looking for a bit of advice I’ve bought a hw100 carbine it came without a silencer I know the hw silencers are quieter but I like the thought of keeping things short with the gun being carbine so I’m in a market for a silencer I like the hugget mini and the swift stumpy I just wondered if you guys could help with either being a better option than the other 


many thanks 

Jake w

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To be honest my man. And I’ve looked in to this too for my own KS. Other than the big old hugget for the 303 wolverine, the rest were just ‘meh’. They look mint, don’t get me wrong, but you can get better performance from the stumpy, and perhaps get the look your after too.

I must say however, the big hugget, the Belita, is the best moderator I’ve ever heard on any airgun, anywhere. End of. It was ridiculous on a sub 12 FPE. Literally like the last gasp of air in the tank was expelled, but it was of course full. 

I’ve used a SAK mod on my own KS and both my other two 100’s, and I can’t fault it. It’s a touch louder than perhaps a standard HW mod. Though loud is probably the wrong word, more of a different sound... but for 40 quid. It’s been on everyone of my 100’s. 

For looks, the Hugget, for sound cancellation, the stumpy. 

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I agree with Mitch's comments above. I bought a Swift Stumpy for a rifle but dont remember which but they are not bad at all and I did have it on my FX Streamline which was very quiet. I did try it on my HW110k as a test, not as quiet as the HW mod but a good result nevertheless, wish I had not let it go on a rifle I sold.

I looked a hugget which was on a BSA R10, pretty poor but there again the BSA mods are garbage anyway so possibly better than the standard mod supplied with the rifle.


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