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Trapping fussy greys

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I've just had a similar problem...so while the occupants of the house went away for a few days i had a purge.. by baiting the rear garden and shooting and using fens and magnums (ten in total)




What sort of bait do you use then Martin?

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I've just had a similar problem...so while the occupants of the house went away for a few days i had a purge.. by baiting the rear garden and shooting and using fens and magnums (ten in total)




What sort of bait do you use then Martin?


Well many successful baits have been mentioned here (all of which i've used at some point) but for this job i used snickers bars, particle baits (cherios) and a few scattered broken biscuits to get their attention on the lawn


..... the snickers bars i split so they got the peanut/caramel aroma then i tethered these to the traps so they coudn't be 'stolen' .. in addition i threaded 'cherios' onto the wire trigger on the magnums (this works really well as they have to pull and tug at the trigger) for the shooting either a lump of snickers that couldn't be dragged off or the cherios which they will happily sit and chomp....good luck



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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





Aaron. I don't think this would be a legal or humane way to use a Fenn trap. Fenns should be used in a tunnel where the height is restricted to prevent the target species from being catapulted out of the jaws resulting in a leg hold or similar. Leg hold traps are illegal in the UK, and I'm sure there will be people visiting this site, who don't have our best interests at heart. We owe it to the animals we trap, to stick to the law, and always treat them humanely. Regards ian. :thumbs:

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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





like this :laugh:http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/1fishat/DSCF0041.jpg


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Ive caught a squirrel with a fruit and nut bar. I threw some on the yard and they started eatin it. I put a few chunks in the back of the trap and sprinkled some grinded hazelnut over the choclate in the back of the trap and ive caught a few with that :notworthy:


good luck


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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





Aaron. I don't think this would be a legal or humane way to use a Fenn trap. Fenns should be used in a tunnel where the height is restricted to prevent the target species from being catapulted out of the jaws resulting in a leg hold or similar. Leg hold traps are illegal in the UK, and I'm sure there will be people visiting this site, who don't have our best interests at heart. We owe it to the animals we trap, to stick to the law, and always treat them humanely. Regards ian. :thumbs:


the idea of putting your fen in a tunnel is to keep non target species out Aaron's method is spot on.

but if you are worried about it tape the top on like a sweetie tin (celebrations :wallbash:). Or don't use a fen all spring traps catch by the leg now and then thats why you have to inspect twice a day.

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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





Aaron. I don't think this would be a legal or humane way to use a Fenn trap. Fenns should be used in a tunnel where the height is restricted to prevent the target species from being catapulted out of the jaws resulting in a leg hold or similar. Leg hold traps are illegal in the UK, and I'm sure there will be people visiting this site, who don't have our best interests at heart. We owe it to the animals we trap, to stick to the law, and always treat them humanely. Regards ian. :thumbs:


the idea of putting your fen in a tunnel is to keep non target species out Aaron's method is spot on.

but if you are worried about it tape the top on like a sweetie tin (celebrations :wallbash:). Or don't use a fen all spring traps catch by the leg now and then thats why you have to inspect twice a day.

The idea of putting a Fenn in a tunnel is not just to keep non target species out, it is also to put the target species in a position where on triggering the trap it is caught in a way that death/suffering is as quick and humane as possible. Sticking a trap willy nilly in a bucket of wheat gives you no control over which part of the animal you catch, not acceptable in this day and age even if you do check your traps twice a day.

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A little trick i use on them is tubs that rat bait come with, once empty cut a small hole in the lid so that they are able to get in and fill it a quarter of the way up with wheat, let them get use to it and then stick a fenn mk 4 in the bottom just burried in the wheat, works really well and on rats, make sure you tie the lids on as if the get caught by the leg etc it'll be out through the lid with the fenn and the lid in tow! :thumbs:





Aaron. I don't think this would be a legal or humane way to use a Fenn trap. Fenns should be used in a tunnel where the height is restricted to prevent the target species from being catapulted out of the jaws resulting in a leg hold or similar. Leg hold traps are illegal in the UK, and I'm sure there will be people visiting this site, who don't have our best interests at heart. We owe it to the animals we trap, to stick to the law, and always treat them humanely. Regards ian. :thumbs:


the idea of putting your fen in a tunnel is to keep non target species out Aaron's method is spot on.

but if you are worried about it tape the top on like a sweetie tin (celebrations :wallbash:). Or don't use a fen all spring traps catch by the leg now and then thats why you have to inspect twice a day.

The idea of putting a Fenn in a tunnel is not just to keep non target species out, it is also to put the target species in a position where on triggering the trap it is caught in a way that death/suffering is as quick and humane as possible. Sticking a trap willy nilly in a bucket of wheat gives you no control over which part of the animal you catch, not acceptable in this day and age even if you do check your traps twice a day.

i have had loads of rats in a bucket of wheat not one was alive all dead. it depends on the size of the

bucket. as you say it should be under some sort of cover.

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Fish, I accept you may have caught rats in this way, this thread was referring to squirrels, and as someone who uses these traps as a professional I do not want them to be taken away from me, which they will be if the powers that be decide that the people who use them cannot be trusted or bothered to set the things properly.

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9x out of 10 times wheather it be a grey or a rat, as soon as they enter they land straight on the treddle plate!! its all about effective pest control, this method is no differant to making a tunnel trap too wide and foul catching the target? ok, may be not a method to be used in a convensional garden etc but it works, and is very effective at that! at the end of the day the trap is abideing by the law, it is 'COVERED' :thumbs:





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Aaron, I had always thought that the use of a tunnel was obligatory when using Fenns, so I went for a look. This is a quote from the BASC site



"With the exception of the Aldrich trap all spring traps must be set in a natural or artificial tunnel which is suitable for the purpose. It is an offence to set any spring trap in the open."


I was taught to set in tunnels to ensure humane kills, and while the bucket seems to do the business, I feel we should only discuss very best practice on a public forum. :thumbs:

Edited by ianrob
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Well it certainly aint 'OPEN' :feck: all im doing is abideing by the law, just because you always took it and was taught that it had to be in a tunnel to be legal it doesn't! it just has to be covered! i was also taught this way but there are always other methods/ways that can be more effective at controlling vermin and shouldnt just limit it to say just tunnel trapping. May well not be the 'very best practice' of trapping but it works and is legal!! :yes:





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Well it certainly aint 'OPEN' :feck: all im doing is abideing by the law, just because you always took it and was taught that it had to be in a tunnel to be legal it doesn't! it just has to be covered! i was also taught this way but there are always other methods/ways that can be more effective at controlling vermin and shouldnt just limit it to say just tunnel trapping. May well not be the 'very best practice' of trapping but it works and is legal!! :yes:






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Well it certainly aint 'OPEN' :feck: all im doing is abideing by the law, just because you always took it and was taught that it had to be in a tunnel to be legal it doesn't! it just has to be covered! i was also taught this way but there are always other methods/ways that can be more effective at controlling vermin and shouldnt just limit it to say just tunnel trapping. May well not be the 'very best practice' of trapping but it works and is legal!! :yes:







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