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Working After A Broken Radius

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My bitch broke her radius six months ago. Not her ulna. She has a metal plate in her leg. She is back to a good level of fitness, sprinting daily and has no stiffness/lameness.


Had anyone else's dog broke this bone and been okay to come back into work? I'm desperate to get her out ferreting. She seems just fine on her walks but I don't want to put the bone under too much stress if it's not advisable.

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She's four.


I'm sure she's completely healed. It's just that my father has me worried as he told me I should use a different dog as the sharp turns could make it snap again. It's reinforced with a metal plate so I can't see why that should happen.


If I take her out and she pulls up lame and it's too much for her then fair enough I will use a different dog. I just really want reassurance that they don't just snap again!!

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When you say she is sprinting daily do you mean after a lure? If she's running about on her own then she'll be twisting and turning as well. After six months the bone will be well healed and if she were my dog I'd be out working her by now. Not had a broken radius, but most dogs I've had that have broken bones in legs or toes have been back working after 4 months.

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Most bones that break when they repair the actual site of the break regrows stronger than the original bone and is slightly thicker than the older bone. The only concern is with the plate, have you asked the Vet some times for some reason the bone may not knit properly usually the plate is left as its to much hassle to re-operate to remove it. If she is happy to race around then crack (no pun intended) on it should be all systems go ATB

Edited by desertbred
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She should be absolutely fine. If she's sprinting around and isn't ever lame on it then there's no reason to be worried, the break should be completely healed now. If you can get 6 weeks of increasing amount of trotting on roads with a bike or you jogging then she'll be fit and the break as strong as it's going to be.


If you wanted a belt and braces approach then ask your vet to take an xray, hopefully for one xray they wont have to sedate her so shouldn't cost too much. Get a price before though so there's no surprises! If she's insured it might be covered.


Most vets will leave the plate in unless there's a problem. For instance if the screws are too long and are touching the ulna which can cause pain when they rotate their wrist etc. It'll cost quite a lot to take out and the dog will need to be on the lead only again for 6 weeks whilst the holes heal. It would mean you'd probably miss the season.


Mine broke her ulna and radius at 6 months and has been fine. A mates dog got run over and broke her radius and ulna at about a year and is running well now.


Good luck

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Thank you.

I did email my vet who operated on her yesterday. His consensus was that the risk of another fracture on the same leg was no different to her doing any other leg and providing she is fit and having shown no lameness then to just crack on and see how she does.


I look forward to getting her out next month.

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