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Hows The Moult Going?

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Just wondering how peoples birds are moulting this year, in a complete turn about, (I was going to fly a Gos this year) the opportunity came up for me to buy a year old female Harris, she is a small female,but is blessed with huge feet, and did very well indeed in her first season last year, accounting for Rabbit,Pheasant, and even a Hare, now I would not normally buy a bird at this time of year, but knowing her achievements in her first season, and it was a case of now or never I decided to go for it, now I know a first year Harris is sometimes slow to moult, but was just wondering if anyone else is getting a slow moult, she has two new deck feathers coming down, but does not seem to have dropped a single feather until last night, when two small feathers were on the floor in her mews, she is getting clover honey with her food so hopefully the moult will kick off again soon, I am not unduly worried, but have always had birds that moulted out with predictable ease.



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Mine dropped her centre decks early March forcing me to end my season then nothing for over a month when she dropped several feathers in a week. It does seem a few people are experiencing slow moults this year going by the forums and Facebook pages. I don't give it much thought and always expect to be back out flying by the second week in September at the latest even if she isn't fit or all that keen. After researching feeding clover honey I couldn't find any definitive proof that it does anything to quicken the moult, same as the theory about feeding fox to moulting birds. Either way September is early enough for me to be back out hunting.


Good luck with your new hawk.

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Thanks both of you, no I have never heard any definitive proof either, but as my local supermarket has it, and I used it a few years back, and the bird certainly had a fast trouble free moult, I thought what the hell it cant do any harm, even if it does no good, guess I am just going to have to be patient lol.

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