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Yesterday isn't so bad if it was a few hours ago it could have been bloat that usually kills dogs in about 7 hours .... Obviously some type of gastric problem ... Vets the place to be ......

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Years ago I had a bulldog bitch healing up in a crate in my kitchen/diner and one morning I came downstairs to find her laying in the crate with a stomach like a beachball :icon_eek: obviously all sort of panic thinking of internal injuries etc so rushed her to a sympathetic vet where they did scans and xrays only to discover her stomach was absolutely full of pasta :blink: very strange because I hadn't given any to her and she was locked up safely in her crate whenever I wasn't there.

When we got home I checked around the kitchen and found the empty bag of pasta still in the overhead cupboard... She somehow managed to sneak out of the crate, get up onto the worktop and into the cupboard where she ate an entire 3kg(!!) bag of dried pasta and got back in her crate without leaving any signs of her escape. Her stomach actually got bigger throughout the day while the pasta swelled but she recovered fine apart from being a bit constipated the next day :laugh:


Bit off topic but seeing talk of mysterious swollen stomachs reminded me of it. Hope it's nothing serious with your bitch :thumbs:

Edited by BGD
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