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Starship From A Crutch

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My first week back to work after Christmas, and I took a bit of a fall, resulting in a fractured ankle, torn ligaments and a couple of chipped bones,which left me in plaster on crutch,s, never really got to grips with the crutch,s so I started chopping them about a bit and today whilst being bored due to the crap weather, put the bits together to make a starship catty,, have,nt had a lot of chance to shoot it but the first few shots are pretty promising, it seems very powerful due to the extended draw length and hits were you point it, will take it out in the week for a proper go, but here it is



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  • 3 weeks later...

Fitted my led lensor p7 gun light to the beast last night and took it for a little mooch, have to say for a first venture into starship cattys it's pretty awesome the power from this design is absolutely rapid, only disadvantage it's not as discrete as a normal catty and at a glance looks a bit like a gun which might get a bit of unwanted attention, i think my next one will be made of wood but it's definitely a design worth a bit more of a look into


Edited by Greyman
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looks interesting[/quote) though I hate to admit it the Americans are a long way ahead of us when it comes to slingshot hunting and catty design and they have been using this design for some years, my early trials with it are really promising, you get around an extra foot of draw on the same elastic as a normal catty, and the power is awesome, it also eliminates any hand slap from the bands and is a lot less effort to draw back, which is great when your joints are a bit shagged
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I never really understood starship designs when I first got in to shooting my catty. After a bit of time with the "sport", I've been tempted to try and design my own. This has given me a bit of a gentle push towards using something similar. Would love a video of this thing in action.

. am afraid I,m a work in progress with regard to the Internet mate, I broke my ankle in January so had time to learn how to use an I pad, I can now sign in talk to you and add a photo, but a video might have to wait awhile, there are lots on YouTube which is were I first saw them, if you are thinking of doing one I would say don't hesitate, it seems to me they are the next level in catty shooting, the crutch version is an easy starting point because most of the stuff you need is in the crutch it's just a cases chopping it about a bit, but my next one is going to be an all wood version, maybe I,ll be able to upload a vid of that
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Nice...That's similar to one I had made, although I had mine built for use with tubes:




It folds down just behind the handle...so can be put in a bag.

im working on a job at the moment ,and there is loads of off cuts of top quality ply so tomorrow I will collect as many up as I can and next week the wooden starship will be born, how do you find yours to shoot, is it much more powerful than a normal catty and what's the accuracy like,I have made two and the one in the photos was brilliant but I can't get to grips with the second one, strange as the only difference is the forks, and it does not seem as powerful as the first and shoots about 2 foot lower using the same aim points, but I think I have gathered all the info I need from the first two to make an absolute top notch catty, I will get some pics up in a week or so, but I do think there is a lot of mileage in this design and when I get it right it should be a real keeper, I,m a bit gutted I have just sold the one above as it was absolutely brilliant
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I found it to be more powerful due to the 4" extra band length. Accuracy wasn't great at first as the original forks were wooden posts for OTT shooting using flat bands..which I didn't get on with. I found re-designing the forks helped. I've still not got the right tube set up for it - having used green theraband and blue dub dub (in the picture),,,,but suspect that as I'm using 10mm steel it might be too heavy. For normal shooting I use orange dub dub with 9mm steel....so a bit more experimenting I think.

A shame you sold the original! It's always like that though, so the next one should be better.


The idea for mine came from looking at this video:



And the fact that I had suffered pulled tendons in my arm and wanted a high power slingshot whereby the force of the draw would be absorbed across the whole arm and frame.

My brother makes orthotics and so knew how to achieve that and do the metal work.

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No rush, just keep us updated. I've started making myself a natural shooter, so starship will have to be my next project, by which time hopefully there's a video of yours up.

. Not yet banded up but here is the wooden starship, also made a little ply side shooter for a mate of mine out of the off cuts, I think there will probably be a few more changes before I get completely happy with it but not bad for a first venture into the world of ply catty,s






Edited by Greyman
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Are they easier to shoot?

They look like they may do away with bad technique.


I would say yes as they line up pretty well just sitting on your arm the power is way beyond a normal catty even with lighter bands on,

That's pretty good..


I love the crutch - starship conversion though - it looks mean!

also a lot easier to make than the ply version I have the ingredients for another crutch one if the wooden one is not as good
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